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Set-Up Update


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Just let go of my ED100/CG5 tonight :D

But I received an AstroDevelopments M3 mounting system this morning, and have just got it all set up. The system is absolutely rock solid, but I'll have to spend some time balancing it all out. It needs a lot of weight, the M3 alone weighing 3.5kg.

So here's my current set-up: Orion ED80 in home-made guiding rings and SkyWatcher 200mm newt mounted via M3 to a HEQ5


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This should sort me for imaging, or at least it will once I upgrade to the EQ6.... :(


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It was nice meeting you tonight, Andrew.

Even nicer was relieving you of your ED100/CG5. :(

Shame the skies were no good tonight, but I guess that's traditional. Getting it out of the Landy on my own was fun, it's heavier (when packed up in a box) than I'd realised.

I've just finished putting it all together in the lounge, nothing seems to be missing (and more importantly, nothing is left over).

Anyway, good luck with the new gear.


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I've been out a grand total of 3 times since I got my Atik, and my first and only image so far is 88 frames of Tycho (look in lunar/solar). The clouds have really been nasty. Luckily my daughter sleeps wonderfully at night.


I hope so, but I think I'm pretty much right on the limit:

7kg - newt

3kg??? - ED80

3.5kg - m3

cameras - 1.5kg

=15kg, which is supposedly the limit.


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You are putting together a nice looking outfit there Andrew. I wish you every success with it.

You may not need the EQ6, but as we all know, one is never satisfied in this game. You only have to look in the buy & sell sections to see the amount of gear getting moved about.

Look forward to you adding more great images to the SGL forums wonderful archives.

Ron. :(

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Well Andrew, IF you do get an EQ6, put me down for your HEQ5!!! I will be getting one around March next year....If I get my Bonus!

I'll keep y'all updated on the Beannachar Astro-Station (yet to come up with a better name...). When that's finished, the HEQ5 will be replaced with an EQ6 8)

But yes Craig, I'll go to you first...

Look forward to you adding more great images to the SGL forums wonderful archives.

That's my goal...

You are putting together a nice looking outfit there Andrew. I wish you every success with it.

You may not need the EQ6, but as we all know, one is never satisfied in this game.

Are you right there!! :(



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