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Fireball over Belfast lough 1045 pm


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On my way to work tonight, looked over Belfast Lough and seen a fireball breaking up into about 3 pieces, anyone else see this? it was bang on 10.45pm. it would of been west of the moon.

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Myself and five others all saw it. We were in Leyland Lancashire and I was the first to see it.

What the *****, look at that I shouted, and the lads all looked and saw this fantastic meteor. Its trail actually covered about half the sky coming from NW. It started as a bright yellowey white fireball then suddenly started to burn a bright green before it broke up into the three pieces.

I have seen meteor before but not this bright and it seemed to move so slow too. Only lasted a little over a second but I can still see this vivid flame trail. It was moving that slow that for the first instance I thought plane before I realised. Absolutely beautiful and an amazing site.

I also had a great night with the scope but thats on another thread.


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A couple of us down in Oxfordshire saw it as well, it was to the NW near Capella incredibly bright and white before breaking up. We were lucky to see ti because it was over in the twilight and I'm sure if it had been a moonless night it would have cast a shadow.


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Nice account Steve. I was one of the guys who saw this with Steve last night. This is amazing as I thought it was fairly local - perhaps just coming down over what would be the Blackpool area but it seems not if it was seen as far away as Belfast and Oxfordshire!

I wonder if we could try and triangulate where this was - can those who saw it give us their position and approxiamate direction? As Steve says, we were in Leyland, and the fireball started sort of north west, and ended about south west.

I thought it lasted longer than a second, Steve - maybe even four or five seconds?


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A couple of us down in Oxfordshire saw it as well, it was to the NW near Capella incredibly bright and white before breaking up. We were lucky to see ti because it was over in the twilight and I'm sure if it had been a moonless night it would have cast a shadow.


Except me. :angry1: Mel pointed out that something had been blown out of my car by the wind and as I ran of to get it, the darned meteor appeared behind me. Just my luck! I told Mel and Steve they're luck parasites and suck it out of me! :grin:


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