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Mummut OSC

alan potts

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Not video as such but all advice from Video members was what made me buy one. Just to let you know Bernard at Modern has got me one and I am taking delivery tomorrow I hope. Thanks to all on this part of the site. I will report in due course.


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Hi Alan

Looking forward to a first light report.

I'd be interested to see how it performs on relatively short exposures 10 to 20 seconds compared to my Samsung video camera for live views.

Lack of amp glow an bigger chip is attractive even with my AZ mount.

Clear skies


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  • 2 weeks later...


Sadly at the moment I will not be able to use it to the full. I only have a 6.3 reducer for the Meade and didn't want to get the 3.3 R before I make up my mind as to whether I like it or not. I found out from Bernard that this is maybe the last as they are stopping making it for a lesser model, seems to be rare as it took him over 3 months to get this one. I will get round to using it soon I hope, I have a lot eyepiece to test and write about.


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Hi Alan,

That's a shame - wonder if they are continuing with the mono version?

Still looking forward to the review - you never know when one will come up 2nd hand.

Clear skies


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I have had a problem with it, well not the camera the software. I have to say Bernard was very good but I don't think much to the makers, Brightstar, they didn't even reply. Anyway my friend who is something of an expert with computers has sorted the problem out. It would appear that they don't really know what they are doing, at least that's my friends take on the matter.

The other thing that really gets me is, I find it very hard to understand the instructions, I read them 4 times and they still don't make sense to me. I am sure you would just laugh at me. In my books though this is, as well as other things, a beginers camera, in that case the instructions should be written for someone starting out in the field.

I will if I can ever work it out post a report and maybe some shots on site. I am sure I will look at this in a year and laugh at myself too.


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I agree with you on makers instructions...all easy peesy to folk who have maybe been guided through it hands on..and when integrated with other equipment can be a pain...not being a member of any club I rely on the good will of the people on this site to help try and solve and get round problems I have And i try and report back my findings. ..if it was all a doddle would there be a need for a forum..Davy

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Yes I think there would still be a forum but it would be happier. What I find is so difficult to get the head round is the terms, everyone, even on here speaks in code and if your brain dead like me it means nothing. I will give you an accurate example of something only yesterday. I bought a 180mm Mac from SW, opened, first intsruction sheet, how to fit the red dot finder. It comes with a optical finder not a red dot. OK thats not code but a total mistake by the manufacturer.

What gets me is I have tried now for 2 hours and I can't even get it to show an image as such. I would have thought that is was capable of showing any image as long as the exposesure was correct, all I get is a black screen with some green or pink bits. If I try it outside at night it is just 10 times harder.

Even Rik above says this is a simple camera that is not dependant on fancy set-up, well I was going to get a Atik 314 but I am really having ;second, third and forth thoughts on that one.

Something makes me think I may be better sending it back.


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Alan, is your comport or usb settings right, or even the drivers for it. I don't know nothing about these cams, but it could be pc and cam not seeing each other. I use wireless connection and I know if I don't select the right channel for tx / rx I get them bits...Don't bother connecting to scope to see if it's working, just run your hand over the front of the cam and see if there's and colour/ bw shade changes, you wont have any focus but it will give you a idea if its working...John

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May need a focal reducer Alan..its just another suggestion if as john says you can get shaddows passing hand in front...I've had issues with the ed80 on this but.....John is going tp suspect it out for us lol...chin up Alan we will get there in the end...Davy

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It is not a video camera. I only posted here because the guys on this part of the forum especially the Doc were as good as it comes with help. The type of camera it is a very sensitive OSC . The idea being you can bang offsay 6 10 sec exposures and stack them then view, you know it is the more the merrier but this one will give results at very low exposure times. I don't for one moment think it is the camera it is me.

Seems a bit silly when I actually know how to fly a plane.


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hope someone can help you Alan, Like I've said don't know nothing about these and I've never seen one. Does this cam have liveview? and if so are you getting a picture on screen?

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It would appear not (pun intented). If it had I think even by sheer luck I would have found it. Thanks for the considered thought. I was just sort of hoping I could get it to do something before I got it in the dark, where everything becomes tricky.



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I've just looked on their site and didn't find anything useful, but surely there must be some sort of preview window to show you your cam is pointing at the right object . Have you tried any other software that has a preview window. i'm just clutching at straws, hate it when I cant sort something out. The only thing they said if its not working is that you might a corrupt or missing file or maybe the ascom drivers

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I used Nebulosity2 with it, not the software they supply, but it works more or less the same. To get a preview you set a short exposure like 1 sec or less and pick continuous shooting / preview button (should be somewhere). To test the camera point the scope during day at some landscape and then connect the camera, set the focus and it's done. Other option is using the Moon.

Daytime frames can look like so:




The horizontal lines are interlacing from the sensor shutter. They show up when the exposure is very short and the object isn't still. Works for DS imaging, doesn't for daytime or Solar System imaging.

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I will give that a try. Thank-you.

Your right about the site, useless. I e-mailed them with a problem, no reply, Bernard at Modern gave me the Tech guru e-mail, no such address. The sofeware problems my friend has sorted. it was the wrong version of the network 2.0, he said they clearly don't know what they are doing if they make mistakes that basic. I don't know I am happy he sorted it out and for that he can say what he wants in my books.

BTW nice close-up of the ISS. I will see if I can find this softare you were talking about.

Many clear skies.


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Sorry everyone, not sorted.

I spent two hours this morning using distant mountains and the Moon and got absolutely nothing. I change the exposure so many times I lost count ( I know a lot about photography and can guess exposure well.) I even started at the miniumum value and went up in 5m/s jumps, nothing ,could not even get this to focus in any way shape or form In fact I never saw anything to even attempt a focus, I changed the focus positon many times. All I got was the same black to white screen with the transition about half way. I even had the instructions on one laptop and the camera running( or not as the case was ) on the other. I really can't believe that I am so stupid that not once I would have recorded something. Well if this is the best type of camera for this I would hate to see the worst. In my opinion it don't work.

It would also appear that that there is no customer service what so ever.


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Sorry to hear its back to square one Alan,I did a bit of a search on here and if you pm AstroAndy I think he uses one of these camera's. I don't think its faulty more like a compatibility issues or a driver not installed correctly, Alan as had it up and running once.

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Alan have a look at this pdf file..I've called it mammut but it is actually Orion cam but looks the same maybe rebadge and see if there's anything in there to help you. it does state that you might need a extension tube to get focus.


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I will have a look at it later on, it is not the same as the Orion so I am told, it is even more sensitive. I am lead to believe by Bernard at Modern that It really has to be used at night, daytime has far too much light. We will see. He seems to think it's working but massive overexposures. I will keep you all up to date. The weather in not so good today so to-night look a none-starter.


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Hi Alan,

I've had my Mammut Mono for about nine months. First thing it is very sensitive, secondly you will need a 75mm t extension to get it into focus.

The nightwatch studio software is pretty good. During daylight I would image at around 0.01 seconds (I said it was sensitive) on the 70mm ED

and adjust your focus.

You will get there in the end. Who said Astrophotography was relaxing..........



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