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Imaging with the Skymax 127.


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This is just a single sub as i couldn't get DSS to stack em all for some reason,probably because there weren't enough stars showing??

Perhaps because the stars are slightly stretched? DSS does like nice round stars to work with.


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Could be James but it managed to stack all the other targets i aimed at inc M31 and M45 on the same night.

M94 was low so i think i didn't pick up many stars on the image??

Great couple of hours last night with the new camera mount.

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Could be James but it managed to stack all the other targets i aimed at inc M31 and M45 on the same night.

M94 was low so i think i didn't pick up many stars on the image??

Great couple of hours last night with the new camera mount.

If it's just the number of stars then I think you can configure that when you stack.

I had a good few hours last night, too. Got out just as it was properly dark and packed up at about 2:30am. Not feeling quite at my sharpest this morning :) I had another crack at M13, then M57 and a quick try at M33 (all with the 127 Mak) though the scope was dewing up by then. I reckon M33 will be pretty close to filling the sensor using the Mak.


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I think it found stars but wouldn't stack em saying saying one one image will be used do you want to carry on,or summat like that.

i then changed the raw data and white balance which then found many more stars but it still wouldn't stack saying only one image would be used??

Yes it was nice and clear for a couple of hours last night but some high cloud started coming in around midnight as my images have shown so not sure if i can use/stack them with the cloud in??

I managed to get a full one minute with the new camera mount and no trails from what i can see??

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Perhaps it only found stars in the one image? Might have to be one to revisit another day...

Good news that you managed a minute without trailing on the new mount. What were you imaging?


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Perhaps it only found stars in the one image? Might have to be one to revisit another day...

Good news that you managed a minute without trailing on the new mount. What were you imaging?


I have just put it in the widefield section James.

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This "DSO imaging with a 127 Mak" game is fun to play :) I'm still working on M13:


It's proving quite tricky to bring out the detail around the bright core (of which there is a great deal, I'm sure). Last night I also had a go at M57:



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Hi NT,glad you like what i've managed so far,i was just about to put some more up from last Thursday/Friday :laugh:

Yes all my images are taken with the Alt Az mount straight from the box with no mods to it,apart from tightening the big nut there is on the mount itself.

There is a good thread about the 127 in mounts and set ups.

You must keep very still when imaging with this set up or better still walk away from the area until you have finished taking all the images,as any vibration no matter how slight will show in the images.

Ah well that's a real encouragement! I will definitely try! Might get a remote shutter cord for my camera to reduce shake. Out of interest are you using a dedicated ccd or just standard camera?

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A programmable remote shutter control is great if you're not using a laptop. They're available on Amazon for about £15 and allow you to set exposure time, count and delay between exposures and then just leave it running. I've also used one to attempt a star trail image when I didn't want to leave my laptop out. I just set it for 30 second exposures and locked the "repeat" button.


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Ah well that's a real encouragement! I will definitely try! Might get a remote shutter cord for my camera to reduce shake. Out of interest are you using a dedicated ccd or just standard camera?

No i just use my Nikon D90 SLR camera fro all my imaging,but as James says get a digital shutter and just set it to whatever times you want and leave it well alone until its finished.I got mine off ebay for just over £10 i think and its been great so far.

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  • 2 months later...

Well folks its been a while since i have done any imaging with the MAK127 but thankfully got out last week and concentrated on M42,and here is the result.

20x30sec lights and 11x30sec darks,using the Nikon D90 and processed in PS3.

I would say my best image to date??


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Well folks its been a while since i have done any imaging with the MAK127 but thankfully got out last week and concentrated on M42,and here is the result.

20x30sec lights and 11x30sec darks,using the Nikon D90 and processed in PS3.

I think that looks excellent.  If I ever see it I might have to have a crack myself.


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Yes that is amazing. You really are putting that scope to good use and proving what sort of stuff can be achieved with it. There's plenty of talk in other areas of the website about the 127 mak, and while my opinion is it's not for imaging things outside of the solar system, you really are proving me wrong there :)

Absolutely inspiring work.


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I was asking in the Beginning Imaging forum about using my Celestron 127SLT for DSO work and was pointed at this topic. I'm amazed at the quality of the images achieved with the standard AZ setup.

Am I right in saying that the field rotation is corrected by DSS? Is DSS the only option for this or is there any other software that will do the same. I'm guessing it relies on having a decent number of distinct bright stars in the field to do the de-rotation. I only have a cheapo Asda webcam & 1.25" adapter or my trusty Sony A100 DSLR to use for imaging. I have a digital remote for the Sony but it has no live-view facility so it could be a bit hit & miss. Have you tried capturing with a webcam or is the quality too poor. I might consider upgrading to a Canon or a better Sony model if I can get anywhere near these results.


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Hi Dave.

As far as i know DSS doesn't correct the FR you just need to keep your exposure times to about 30 seconds although i have managed 45 secs but mainly keep to 30 secs and as many subs as you feel comfortable with.

You will need live view on your camera as a lot of the images will have to be checked for focus and movement in them which will happen a lot,even now i have mine on an EQ3 tripod.

I was out the other night with same set up and i just could not get a decent single sub never mind a bunch of em so gave up in the end,it does get frustrating at times yet as you can see form my images it can also be rewarding.

I have used a webcam on the moon but had trouble with the focusing and exposure??

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