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South of Sadr.


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Another plot hatched with Dave and Zoe. This is a one night stand but with more data planned. It has just 7x10 minutes RGB and a miselry 3x15 of Ha. I also aim to capture the region North of Sadr. It's not an area I've imaged before so it was very rewarding.


Takahashi FSQ106N/Atik 11000/Tak EM200 mount.


Oh, the Cresent might have had a bit of help from Yves' 14 inch and my TEC140. :grin:

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This is an amazing expansive area of the sky which, until recently, I never realised was so dense in signal... and I guess the only real way to do it justice is using something like an FSQ106 and an Atik 11000 ... and I do love the colour you get in your images Olly!

(When you say you'll be getting the North area as well, does this mean we can look forward to seeing a beautiful RGB mosaic?)

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This is an amazing expansive area of the sky which, until recently, I never realised was so dense in signal... and I guess the only real way to do it justice is using something like an FSQ106 and an Atik 11000 ... and I do love the colour you get in your images Olly!

(When you say you'll be getting the North area as well, does this mean we can look forward to seeing a beautiful RGB mosaic?)

Well, a mosaic, yes, but I can't guarantee 'beautiful!' The Ha signal is beyond belief. I thought that with just 45 minutes I'd be wasting my time processing it but I wanted the practice with the new camera's data, and I wanted to get an image for our guests as well. I'm never sure about luminance on these wide Ha targets. Increasingly I don't shoot any.


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Hmmmm - With my Sony 285 chip, I think to image even that area you've got would probably take the rest of my life... [i need a bigger-chipped camera...! :rolleyes:]

When you say you're increasingly not bothering with luminance, does that mean you're not bothering using a luminance filter, or might you consider, in an area so rich in Ha such as this, using the Ha as luminance...(?)

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Hmmmm - With my Sony 285 chip, I think to image even that area you've got would probably take the rest of my life... [i need a bigger-chipped camera...! :rolleyes:]

When you say you're increasingly not bothering with luminance, does that mean you're not bothering using a luminance filter, or might you consider, in an area so rich in Ha such as this, using the Ha as luminance...(?)

Ha as luminance is a poisoned chalice but, like some poisons, a little can do you good! This had the Ha applied in blend mode lighten to red, a little excessively. Adding a little Ha as luminance tones down the excess of red and adds a little structural detail as well. I don't remember going beyond 15% Ha as luminance, though. This had 15%. I did try a little Ha as surrogate H beta in blue but I didn't get on with the magenta caste. I rarely do so this has Ha as red and lum only.

Martin, the all nighters are coming thick and fast all of a sudden ybut your fine image has given me the will to buckle down for another one!


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It's a fabulous image Olly, and nice to see the Atik11000 delivering the goods now - look forward to many more in the coming weeks & months.

Andy also picked up on the same query I had as well - you mention that you are not sure about the merits of collecting luminence data with widefield targets - why is this? Do they give a lot of star bloating or something? I can understand the benefits of adding HA to the Red, but does this 15% addition substitute completely for luminence? Would be nice if correct since that's one less worry when the moon is around....


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