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White light Sun, 5th May


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Regardless of the forecast for a totally cloudy day the Sun was streaming in through the windows when I woke up this morning, so at the crack of half past nine I was outside capturing images. There was a certain amount of cloud, some high wispy stuff that didn't seem to want to move and some cumulus much lower down that were obviously in a race to get to the east coast for lunch, so I erred on the side of caution and took 240 frames, dropped 80 of them after preprocessing with PIPP and finally stacked 48.

I think the conditions have meant the image isn't as sharp as I'd like, but I'm rarely unhappy when I get an image I wasn't expecting :)


240 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, 450D/127 Mak, preprocessed with PIPP, 48 of 160 frames stacked with Registax v6.


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Wonderful! I wish it were sunny here, a totally sunless weekend so far.

That's very disappointing. Seems like ages since I last saw you posting some images :(


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