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White light Sun, 4th May


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More fickle that the adolescent daughter of Mr & Mrs Fickle of Ficklebury, Fickleshire, Mother Nature stole away my opportunity for a solar image at the very last possible moment yesterday morning, only to hand me a totally unexpected one early this afternoon. Fortunately no-one else was home so I could sneak out and do a bit of imaging and be back hard at work on the DIY before anyone noticed anything unusual :)

The sky was a little hazy, but the seeing was far better than I expected for 3pm so overall I'm not disappointed with the end result.


120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100 with the 450D/127 Mak, preprocessed with PIPP and 50% stacked in Registax v6 with a quality rating of better than 96%.


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Because conditions weren't perfect I also took another 120 frames at 1/1000th @ ISO200. I decided to process them just to see how they turned out. "Not as good as the ISO100 ones" is the answer. I shan't bother again.


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Does that mean you'll stop shooting the Moon at 800 then . . .

I tried early on with ISO 200 to get the shutter speed even higher but I find that above 1/1600s I get a much more pronounced shading at the bottom of the frame .

I assume it's something to do with the mechanics of the shutter.

At 1/1600s I can lose it with a careful tweak but any higher and it's near impossible to get rid of.

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I'm still up for experimenting with the Moon. I like the images I'm getting at the moment, but I reckon it's possible to do better. I was happy with the 1/500th frames I took last time, but I really would like to have enough time to do a full set of 1/1000th @ ISO800, 1/500th @ ISO400 and 1/250th @ ISO200 to compare them, and do some experimentation with the mirror delay to see if I can cure the ghosted image problem. I've always taken the attitude that nothing is ever set in stone. I think it's always worth trying new ideas out or revisiting things that didn't work previously once in a while. As soon as I get a chance I shall give it a go.


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Strange one that ,

I've only had similar when I've shot with the Liveview off and then the shake comes from the mirror clonking up ,

I wouldn't think the shutter alone would be enough to cause it unless something wasn't tightened up somewhere , but even then I wouldn't think there was enough mass moving to cause it .

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I love experimenting ... :p

I've just got one of the Skywatcher guidescope mounts and have it rigged up with the ETX105 and Synguider + Barlow to give it a FL of 2980mm to see how well , if at all , it will guide the Mak180Pro which is 2700mm.

Should be interesting.

Was hoping to get out tonight but the cloud is still hanging about now the wind has dropped , ho hum . . .

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Getting fed up having to have two windows open to avoid double posting . . . :rolleyes:

I think I've just made a discovery about that which may help get it fixed. We shall see.


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