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White light Sun, 2nd May


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Another gorgeous morning here with good seeing, making up for the diabolical mess last night. One of the easier days processing-wise :)

Looking at the current forecast this could be my last for a few days which will be a shame as I've managed six from the last seven days and I'd like to see how the newer ARs develop, as well as get a look at a number that are apparently "just around the limb". We shall see what tomorrow brings.


120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, 450D/127 Mak, preprocessed using PIPP, 50% stacked in Registax v6 at a quality level of better than 98%.


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Lovely image James. Leaves me kind of puzzled though. Are you filtering your images in anyway on capture? Looks like were using the same basic kit Mak 127 and Canon 450D. I use a white-light Baader solar film giving me exposures at 800 iso of around 1/200th. So I'm guessing with you using 100 iso and 1/1000th exposures your shooting direct or smaller clear aperture???

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Actually, if I'm reading your question right, perhaps the answer to that question doesn't make any difference as you're using what should be a more sensitive setting than I am (higher ISO rating, slower exposure).

I'm using ND5 film (I have some ND3.8 that Steve kindly sent me; I've just not managed to make it into a filter yet). The mount for the film gives a clear aperture of 120mm. That fits over the front of the Mak and there's nothing else in the imaging train. The 450D goes straight on the visual back using a T-ring.

I'm using a fast exposure to "beat the seeing" and ISO100 is enough to give me about a 40% to 50% histogram fill with minimal noise. I do stretch the histogram when I preprocess the images in PIPP.


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Thanks James, I'm using ND 5.0 the visual density film. I use the Av setting, spot metering with the meter set at either -1 or -2 straight top computer using EOS Utility.

I too mount the 450D straight onto the visual back with a T ring.

Your iso is 3 stops slower, your shutter speed is 2½ time shorter giving about 5½ stops difference between what appears an identical set-up. Must check my custom settings aren't sett to something they shouldn't be :eek:

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