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White light Sun, 1st May


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Beautiful sunny morning this morning, so I rushed outside as soon as work would allow and got cracking. Even through the eyepiece when getting aligned the Sun looked fantastic and once I had live view up on the laptop the seeing was clearly pretty good too. Certainly far better than I've seen it for a while.

I took 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100 with the 450D/127 Mak and preprocessed them with PIPP, dropping one because it had the vaguest hint of haze across the face of the Sun. The rest I dropped into Registax v6 and stacked 50% at a claimed quality level of better than 98%.

I'm amazed that the "polar bear" group has fragmented so much over the last week or so. It certainly looks nothing like what it did when it appeared around the limb. The new AR is looking promising. And perhaps a hint of something more to come around the limb further north? Shame that the forecast is nowhere near as good for the next few days.



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That's a fantastic image, very sharp and awesome definition. If this pesky high cloud would depart I would have a wee peek at the sun myself today. :)

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