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The end of civilisation as we know it?


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"The timing of the supernova corresponds to an otherwise mysterious deposit of heavy isotopes in deep Earth cores and to a mass marine extinction two million years ago. At the time, Scorpius-Centaurus was around twice as far away from Earth as HR 8210 is now."

Thats interesting, I'll have find out more about that!

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I wouldn't put too much credence in "news" posted by New Scientist. They like to publish edge of science type stuff, and then distort it into sensationalism. Notice how they fail to mention the Chandresakar limit is 1.4 solar masses. They don't say how massive the companion is, but taking that much mass from it would be consided unusual. Possible? Sure, as long as the companion stops radiating stellar wind in directions other than the dwarf.

Remember too that the double system they describe is quite common in the sky. The systems are called "cataclysmic variables" and regularly vary in brightness-without exploding.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I wouldn't put too much credence in "news" posted by New Scientist. They like to publish edge of science type stuff, and then distort it into sensationalism. Notice how they fail to mention the Chandresakar limit is 1.4 solar masses. They don't say how massive the companion is, but taking that much mass from it would be consided unusual. Possible? Sure, as long as the companion stops radiating stellar wind in directions other than the dwarf.

Remember too that the double system they describe is quite common in the sky. The systems are called "cataclysmic variables" and regularly vary in brightness-without exploding.

Why is it when Astroman enters the room, I feel like I can sleep soundly in my bed.... :clouds2:

Possibly because he has taken the time to learn what we are all in the

process of learning astronomically and is good enough to pass some of his teachings on to us.

Cheers Astroman

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Just remember Damien that the Sunday Sport does have some

images worth a second look :clouds2: :clouds2: :lol: :lol:

And what would they be then ???? :nono: :nono: :nono:

Oh..... errr er it has some great football shots :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2:

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Shame on you Astroman.....I had so much respect.... :clouds2: :clouds2:

Whaaat?  I used to be a heckuva goalie in my day!  When you're good, they ALL look big!  Ya, that's what I meant.  Sheesh.

My ideological image of you is ebbing away astroman...... :shock: :clouds2:

No more curtsey's Caz :clouds2:

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That article is total Bo()ox.

I often ask myself why they print/post such cra* on the internet and in there Magazine and conclude that it's just there way of trying to sound interesting and selling nonsense.


Yeah - I remember a NS article that said they had cracked teleportation - turned out that they changed the property of an atom. :clouds2:

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