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Hi folks,

After spending a good time out with my scope, a 1 y.o. SW Explorer 130p, on Saturday night I became frustrated with the 10mm and 25mm EPs that came with the scope. I found myself actually focusing on what looked like faint inclusions and ripples in the coatings - looked sort of like tiny bubbles in varnish. I came in certain in my mind that I had to do something to replace those standard EPs.

I was out for the day yesterday but in quiet moments I thought about what to do. I reasoned that I needed to replace both my current EPs and I wanted to extend my current EP lineup. So after reading a few of web reviews on my phone I plumped for ordering a Baader Hyperion MkIII 8-24mm click-stop zoom full in the knowledge that it would be a jack-of-all-trades and though fixed EPs would likely give better results the zoom would be a huge step up over what I've got already. I also reasoned that I could readily blow way more than the £190 cost of the zoom on an equivalent set of mid-range EPs without knowing what magnifications suit me, my scope and viewing conditions the best. That way I can go back and add fixed EPs at a later date when I know what I want.

Anyhow, as I said, my current telescope is a Skywatcher Explorer 130p (I'm keen to upgrade in the next year or two) which is classed as a fast scope and I've today read a post or two that suggest that the results that I get from this zoom may actually be a disappointment - though I struggle to see how considering where I'm coming from.

What are people's views of using this EP on this scope? Could I have made a better choice for the money?



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I think you are right that they will be a step uip from where you are coming from. For me the general rule is that when I start to notice the deficiencies in my eyepiece, that's the time to start replacing. I think you will have some fun with this eyepiece for a while. But if anybody offers you a view through some televue say no until your credit card balance is a lot healthier.

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I have the Baader zoom and I use it in an Explorer 300pds which is an f4.9 scope. The views are very good, not perfect but good enough to my eye. I will buy good quality eyepieces as funds allow (I have a 16mm Nirvana so far) but I can't see myself getting rid of the zoom as it's just to useful.


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Hyperons seem to be at their limit around an f/5 scope, some say not to go faster then f/6 so there is the possibility of not performing as good as you may expect. Keep in mind that if you upgraded the scope at any future time and got say an f/6 scope it would/should be very good.

The supplied eyepiece may well be Modified Kellners which are not good, so I would expect the Hyperon zoom to be a good step up in any case. Really depends on your expectations and overall requirements.

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Zoom is certainly a possibility, but the field of view is narrow. It's not your only option. For any given scope there are really probably only 3 or 4 focal lengths that are likely to be used often. There'll be the lowest you can go for wide-field views, a high-power for planetary and one or two in between. Eventually you might want several at the high power end (because some nights you can hit 200x but others only 150x) but initially don't worry about that. You can figure out now which exit pupils you'll likely want to hit: Have a read of this to help with choosing magnification: http://www.televue.com/engine/TV3b_page.asp?id=102 So you can search for suitable eyepiece to fit those. e.g. you might want a 6 mm, 4 mm, and 2 mm exit pupils.

You can buy eyepieces on-line from retailers who will allow returns or go to your local club and look through other's eyepieces.

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Remember just because you use a zoom doesn't preclude using another eyepiece alongside it as well. I use a Meade 8-24 with my grab and go setup, but I also shove a 26mm eyepiece in my pocket for wider field views.

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Thanks all. It certainly is my intention to continue to add to my eyepiece collection over time when I've worked out what I need for what objects and conditions.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

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