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Jupiter April 3rd IR 742+Colour repro.

Space Cowboy

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Thanks Neil, yep loving this IR filter just can't get over the detail I got in lousy seeing.

Simon it is indeed IR pass. I believe you can use IR pass with a DBK but a DFK would need the IR block filter removed though I would imagine the frame rate/shutter speed would be much slower on a colour cam as it is much less sensitive than mono.

Thanks Ferrari & Richard.

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Good comparison Stuart. There's a significant amount of extra detail in the IR image over the basic DFK shot (which is of course what the filter is meant to provide), and this really shows it off very well.

Do you have another shot in this series with the mono camera without the IR filter?

You've got me thinking here :smiley:



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Good comparison Stuart. There's a significant amount of extra detail in the IR image over the basic DFK shot (which is of course what the filter is meant to provide), and this really shows it off very well.

Do you have another shot in this series with the mono camera without the IR filter?

You've got me thinking here :smiley:



Intrigued Pete Are you thinking of IR on your DFK ?

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Intrigued Pete Are you thinking of IR on your DFK ?

Hi Neil,

Having persisted with the standard DFK i'm wondering about acquiring a mono cam + filter wheel, but having seen Stuarts comparison above does make me wonder about trying an IR pass filter with my colour cam with the IR block removed.

Not sure what i'll do at the moment but maybe makes more sense to try the latter first.

What do you reckon?


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Good comparison Stuart. There's a significant amount of extra detail in the IR image over the basic DFK shot (which is of course what the filter is meant to provide), and this really shows it off very well.

Do you have another shot in this series with the mono camera without the IR filter?

You've got me thinking here :smiley:



I took just the one mono avi without IR Pete and its similar in detail to the DFK shot. Unfortunately I managed to capture some dust on this one hence the blobs :


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One thing I forgot to ask Stuart, did you notice that the image was any dimmer with the filter in place, requiring more gain?

Also, is this the Astronomik IR742 pass filter?



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Yes it is the Astronomik 742 Pete.

There is a significant reduction in light and this could be the issue with the less sensitive colour cam with frame rates being reduced possibly by half at least I would guess?

I still managed 55fps on Jupiter with the mono cam but that was nearly half what I was getting without the IR and at higher gain.

I've got the capture settings with and without the IR filter :

Without IR filter gain was 51% and shutter speed 8 ms.

With IR filter gain was 68% and shutter 21 ms.

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Thanks for the info Stuart. I thought that may be the case.

To be honest I'm not sure its going work that well with the DFK and having had good results from this cam in its current form with my set-up, I would be a bit reluctant to pull the IR block out of it although I could use a 1.25" threaded IR Block replacement I suppose if it was a complete loss.

Mono cam needed I think!!



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I'm a complete mono convert now Pete. I always thought it was a choice between OSC and mono with RGB filters but combining the 2 cameras has really opened my eyes.

I've just ordered one of these so I can have both cams setup without having to constantly swap :


Who needs a filter wheel when you can have a camera wheel lol

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Thanks for the info Stuart. I thought that may be the case.

To be honest I'm not sure its going work that well with the DFK and having had good results from this cam in its current form with my set-up, I would be a bit reluctant to pull the IR block out of it although I could use a 1.25" threaded IR Block replacement I suppose if it was a complete loss.

Mono cam needed I think!!



Hi Pete, i certainly miss my DBK, colour cams can really come in handy on jupiter. Though mono does give more flexibillity, and most would say slightly superiour results, ( but not always on jupiter i found ) Good idea to get a mono Pete. As your setup is really fine tuned. And i think its a good idea to try and squeeze as much out of your imaging as is possible. But i would keep the colour cam for Jupiter for sure. Infact i want a colour cam, and i have the DMK618 with Astronomiks, so a good setup.

But colour cams running all 3 colours at the same time can sometimes help. Ive often got a good red and the green starting to go wonky blue dieing along the way. Its harder with mono. 3x this 3x that you get the point. But your setup and location is so good Pete. It would be a crime for you not to have more flexabillity i think.

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Hi Pete, i certainly miss my DBK, colour cams can really come in handy on jupiter. Though mono does give more flexibillity, and most would say slightly superiour results, ( but not always on jupiter i found ) Good idea to get a mono Pete. As your setup is really fine tuned. And i think its a good idea to try and squeeze as much out of your imaging as is possible. But i would keep the colour cam for Jupiter for sure. Infact i want a colour cam, and i have the DMK618 with Astronomiks, so a good setup.

But colour cams running all 3 colours at the same time can sometimes help. Ive often got a good red and the green starting to go wonky blue dieing along the way. Its harder with mono. 3x this 3x that you get the point. But your setup and location is so good Pete. It would be a crime for you not to have more flexabillity i think.

Totally agree Neil.

The most flexibility we can achieve within the realms of our set-ups / budget is what's going to produce the best images.

I really do enjoy the ease of the OSC cam and they can certainly produce great results but I think the time has come for me to increase the tools I have available to satisfy that ever increasing desire for improvement. Mono is the way forward then. Not sure if i'll be able to find the funds for filters / filter wheel just yet, may just try the route Stuart has demonstrated so well on this post although I think I will plump for the former at some point when I can.

Our weather is also the reason I'm sure I will continue to use the DFK regularly as it allows me to exploit those often short breaks in the clouds!!! And as you say, with mono the conditions can go off on just when you don't need it too. Best of both worlds will be optimum.

Now all I have to do is decide on what cam!!



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Totally agree Neil.

The most flexibility we can achieve within the realms of our set-ups / budget is what's going to produce the best images.

I really do enjoy the ease of the OSC cam and they can certainly produce great results but I think the time has come for me to increase the tools I have available to satisfy that ever increasing desire for improvement. Mono is the way forward then. Not sure if i'll be able to find the funds for filters / filter wheel just yet, may just try the route Stuart has demonstrated so well on this post although I think I will plump for the former at some point when I can.

Our weather is also the reason I'm sure I will continue to use the DFK regularly as it allows me to exploit those often short breaks in the clouds!!! And as you say, with mono the conditions can go off on just when you don't need it too. Best of both worlds will be optimum.

Now all I have to do is decide on what cam!!



As Stuart Just showed me. Bird seems to think the ASI cam is more sensetive than hes flea 3. He seems to like it. we know Darryl does. Its a increasing trend. Because you have a colour 618. would be a great appetite wet, to try cmos i reckon. Prices friendly for experimenting with mono. I may go the opposite route. keeping my mono 618. and getting a colour cmos. It seems ( likely due to the unpredictable weather ) we like colour cams in the uk. Plz let us know what you decide.

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