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White light Sun, 5th April


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Well, it was something of an adventure getting the subs for today's image. The wind was gusting so much that my laptop screen was flapping back and forth and there was no practical way to shade it either from the wind or the Sun. Cloud cover was at about 50% too. I ended up taking double the usual frames just to be sure of having enough to stack.

So, 240 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100 with the 450D and 127 Mak, preprocessed in PIPP and 50% discarded because of cloud, wobbles or total lack of solar image. Stacked the 50 best frames in Registax v6.



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Your made of stronger stuff than me James. I bravely decided not to attempt it today for the very same reasons that you described :embarrassed: Worth the effort though as you have a fine image to show for it, well done.

Thank you. I think it's probably fair to say that the conditions today were the worst I've ever attempted to image in.


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