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Finally managed to see the latest comet. The sky was looking reasonably good when I went to the Chinese restaurant with my girlfriend. When we left, the sky was still looking good. Went home, grabbed the Bins and the tripod and headed to a spot of high ground about 15 minutes walk from home. Found Andromeda reasonably quickly, but no sign of the comet. Moved the bins down and there it was! Certainly not spectacular, but definitely a comet. Will try again for a better view, but it has been seen. Incidentally, the girlfriends first comet. She was suitably impressed if a little cold. Home now for refreshments and rather happy.


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Very nice view of Panstarrs this evening at 9.30. My second viewing but this time from a better vantage point and a better binocular (10x50 Opticron "Elite") Both M31 and Panstarrs nicely framed in the field, very much like M81/82 in a small telescope. Comet tail about 2 degrees with averted vision, brighter on the W side edge and about the same magnitude as M31, the comet head about a magnitude brighter. Unconvincing naked eye observation but it would have been easy if higher in the sky. :smiley:

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It's well worth viewing, I have been following the comet for the last three nights,

once it disappears from view it won't be back for 110,000 years.

cool i'll catch it next time then ;i believe in reincarnation :rolleyes:
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I had my first sighting last night and it looked great framed in the 4.4º FOV of 15x70s with Andromeda above and a line of trees below, easy to find, the tail seemed around 1º with averted vision.

For anyone that hasn't seen it, just find Andromeda soon after sunset and move down about 3º, unmistakeable.

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Good view again last night, M31 and Panstarrs in the same FOV.

but you have to catch it just as it gets dark for the clearest view.

I find the lower it gets it fades, probably LP, as it moves over Liverpool

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