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4" Apo and mount choices

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Also, in reference to Olly's mention of a used TV 85 ....

... given that I'm within a few miles of a city and typically have a limiting visual magnitude of around 4 and a bit, how much does one lose by dropping from 4" to nearer 3" in terms of being able to see interesting stuff?

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Also, in reference to Olly's mention of a used TV 85 ....

... given that I'm within a few miles of a city and typically have a limiting visual magnitude of around 4 and a bit, how much does one lose by dropping from 4" to nearer 3" in terms of being able to see interesting stuff?

It's a personal thing I guess but, having owned a few 90mm and 80mm aperture scopes I felt that 4" was the minimum aperture where the views could get a little beyond just being "nice".

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That's pretty much what I'd thought also, hence the options I mentioned in the first post. The TV 85's do look very nice though and I've seen used ones going for a nice price in the past.

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For me, 3 inches and there abouts is OK for visual and great for AP but you really need 4 iches and larger for really getting into visual. I bought a 4 1/2 inch and so many times wish I had got the 5. Beyond this point price get rather large.


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Here are my three refractors on alt azm mounts. AR152 and ST80 on a Duo-T (SkyTee II) on top of an EQ6 tripod and an ED100 (4 inch ED doublet) on a SW AZ3 mount with diy legs. Both mounts handle their respective loads very well. The AZ3 is not a bad little mount if you do something about the spindly legs.


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Hi Druid,

I am doing the same questions myself as I wish something similar.

As starting point I advice you to choose Visual or Astrophotography (AP). This will give you a clearer idea of budget. It seems you go visual as I do.

I put telescopes & mounts into three categories:

1-Visual, 2-AP and 3-Grab and Go.

Going refractor, you may have to decide which Focal length you want. I mean which scope size you want, as it will affect directly your mount choice.

I personally don't want anything > F/8.9.

Visual and Grab and GO can be a bit mixed up if you go reflector/mak. In this area MAKs are quite good. Nexstar 4/5 are a good option.

But I am in a refractor mood. These are my current options:

Lunt Solar 102mm f/7 ED Doublet OTA

Explore Scientific AR102 f/6.5 Air-Spaced Doublet Achromat Refractor Telescope

Mount wise, as I am seaching for a Grab and Go setup, my choice is:

Vixen Porta II Mount

Good luck in you choice.

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For about £250 I'm chuffed to bits with our old Pronto. We have big scopes and little scopes but the Pronto gives a binocular field at TV quality. I'm not about to complain, but nor am I about to say that it replaces a 20 inch Newt. Obviously it doesn't.


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Good tip regarding the 'sweet spot' being second-hand Olly.

I may have just found myself a mint TV 101 (the one after Genesis SDF and before the NP101) for a nice price.

If it's the real deal, then I think I may have solved my 4" APO problem :)

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Was that the one on the APM website second-hand section only this morning...?

Can't see you being disappointed with that :)

Yep, I just finished sorting out the courier arrangements with Markus.

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I'm on my second APM 107, having sold the first and had trouble replacing it I bought another this one with a smaller 2.5" focuser, the quality is outstanding, for visual I can easily pick out detail of the dumbbell and the veil nebula to mention text book colours of Alberio oh and globulars are spectacular (All from my garden in moderate light polluted Preston), the views & build quality kick any scope owned previously into a cocked hat like the skywatcher 300P dob, ed80's(2),100,120,MN190 & meade 127 APO's , Explore Scientific Comet hunter, CPC800 and a few others...

There are a few fabulous scopes on ABAS at the moment.

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Heh, thanks.

If it arrives in one peace, doubtless the clouds will descend for many weeks, a little patch of them just above my house, so first light might actually consist of taking pictures of ducks or something.

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