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Dilema - C80-ED vs 4" Mak

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hi All,

having just taken delivery of my Celestorn Nexstar 4SE, I need to decide which scope to keep (as I just wanted the 4SE mount) and I was hoping you could help me decide!

(Ironically it was half the cost to get it shipped (18kg) from Amazon UK by express UPS that it was to buy locally in Australia and it only took 6 days to deliver so a similar time for that too! So much for rip-off Britain, try Australia for these things LOL!)

I currently have my Celestron C80-ED, the scope I've had for the longest time. Its optics are excellent, 600mm f7.5, it has a 2" focuser so will take a nice 38mm wide angle 2" eyepiece down to a 6mm ortho for planets.

The 4SE scope is of course a Mak, 1325mm fl and f13. I've not tested it yet, but Maks are generally good optics. It can only take 1.25" eyepeices, but it's longer fl will make it excellent for planets, though not as good for wide field. It is 1kg lighter than the C80-ED and nearly half the length.

I can't remember the last time I used the scope for wide field as I usually use a camera, so I mainly use it for planets and the moon, which I guess is one in favour of the Mak.

I would generally be using it on the SE mount, so another point for the Mak as it's compact and lighter

The optical quality (of the Mak) is untested so equal score currently.

I feel emotionally attached to the C80-ED, nothing like a good frac! So 1 point to the C80.

I no longer have a DSLR, so won't be attaching it to either. However, I may use a webcam for planetary imaging.

I want to sell one or the other, which would bring in the most money? The C80 has a 2" WO diagonal, a 38mm 2" SWA eyepiece and a 2" ED barlow, but it is second hand with a couple of marks on the tube, the Mak is new. A point to the one which would sell for the most!

So it's looking like I should keep the Mak, particularly if it excells on the planets, but I feel attached to the frac, could I feel the same about the Mak?

What do you reckon?

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wow, no thoughts at all on this!

Well amazingly, even though the 4SE arrived Thursday, it was a clear night Friday, so I had chance to try it out. I tried the 2 scopes on the 3/4 moon (ah that's why it was clear!) andI have to say, the Mak was stunning. With a 7mm Baader genuine ortho eyepiece (200x mag) the craters and mountains on the moon we absolutely tak sharp and crystal clear. I would have had to use a barlow on the frac to get the same magnification and I'm not sure it would have been quite as sharp.

As for wide angle, I don't do that much anyway, so I'm heavily steering towards keeping the Mak as a planet killer.

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my recommendation would be to try them both against each other at similar magnifications and then decide. even better put the 80mm in a cupboard and use the Mak for a while. did you miss the 80mm? if not sell it. if you did then reverse the above and then did you miss the Mak?

which did you miss more? if you have to then sell the one you missed least.

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hi, thanks for your advice, I think I'll end up keeping the Mak even though the C80-ED is a lovely scope it can't give me any extra beyond the Mak and is double the length and 1kg heavier, so not as stable on the SE mount.

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hmm...both are normaly for a different purpose ED80 for widefield and the mak for planets...

but you would use them for the same purpose.

and maybe someday you´ll want to try to hunt dso´s and than you will moun after your sold ed80...

btw do you need the money? :grin:

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hi, thanks for your advice, I think I'll end up keeping the Mak even though the C80-ED is a lovely scope it can't give me any extra beyond the Mak and is double the length and 1kg heavier, so not as stable on the SE mount.


If I were you I'd keep both, the MAK for planetary or general narrow field observing or WebCam Astro imaging of the planets and the Ed80 for wide field DSO imaging using a DSLR or CCd, this way you have the best of both worlds.



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I agree with all written above. But it all depends how you are financially, of course. I would certainly hang on as long as you can and try each as suggested. They are certainly scopes for entirely different purposes and different as chalk and cheese. I don't think I can add anything to what has already been said.

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