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Yet another PANSTARRS thread.

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Hi all.

I am loving the images,reports you are all posting about this comet. Its a comet i have been looking forward to for about a year now but still no joy seeing it due to cloud.

I am just wondering.................. how high in elevation is it above the western horizon?. My western view is hampered by houses across the road but i am thinking anything above 40 degrees is visible to me.

Is this high enough or is it lower down?



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40 degrees seems to be pretty significant hampering. Half an hour after sunset tonight the comet was less than 15deg above the western horizon. Not that it mattered to me as it was snowing at this time. :sad:

So the 30-40 degree view i have to the west is simply not going to cut the mustard as PANSTARRS is about 15 degrees above the horizon roughly 30-40 mins after subset.

I have an elevated spot in mind to observe it, but the damn cloud is stopping me.

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You'll definitely need to travel as it only darkens enough to see it when it is quite low in the sky. I've seen it twice now at about 10*. Last night as I was showing my wife the comet in the binocs I realised I could see it quite clearly naked eye. My wife confirmed it too. It looked non stellar. We were both amazed. Don't know if I'd find it naked eye, I knew where to look after I'd found it in the binocs. Beautiful.


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just seen tonight, for the first time a view that lasted more than 10secs, it was considerably higher than stellarium would have me believe! i have never been so astro-frustrated before :mad: drove out to the dark spot again!!!!!! and back home again!!!!!!!! as the clouds rolled in and then pull on the drive and its clearing within 10mins.not sure it will ever look very good from my garden, but if we can get just one decent clear night in the next week i will be happy!

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Hi Pete ,

I found the Stellarium position to be way off too , it was considerably higher in the sky .

strange isnt it, i even changed my location from cambridge to bedford to see if that made a difference.its not only the comet that looks slightly out, the whole view seems slightly advanced, i think i am probably missing something obvious!

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