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The Tadpoles Nebula - swimming at SGL8!


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not to worry, am home now....showered, fed etc etc and looking forward to soft warm bed in a few hours Lol!

still....wednesday night was absolutely superb....if cold....but it was one of those nights....soo clear that it left me feeling warm inside (if not my feet), as i managed to bag what i think is my best (if flawed) image yet. this is my 3rd ccd effort and for once the stars look quite sharp....no flattener or reducer used:

IC410 the Tadpoles nebula

Lucksall campsite, nr hereford

Camera: Atik 314L

Scope: SW Equinox 80

bag of batteries used to balance scope!

guide camera: QHY5 with PHD

guide scope: SW Equinox 66

Mount: SW HEQ5

Artimus capture

Deep sky stacker

rough stretch in pixinsight

Ha filter


25 exposures of 600 seconds

flats for Ha filter


taken on a cloudy morning, with white tee-shirt (as flat field panel faulty)

30 exposures of 0.25 seconds

critics and comments welcome.




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Hi Bob,

Don't know whether I do anything wrong, some setting or so in this forum maybe, but I can't see any photos. I assume you uploaded them since you want some input on them.

Great to hear SG8 was good. I'd have participated if it had been closer to where I live.


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thanks Andy and all...but...

most importantly of all, my girlfriend's mate 'Shazza', who is normally only impressed with strictly x factor on ice, as well as other saturday night take-aways, was also impressed by my humble effort! watch out mr cox!

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