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White light Sun, 14th March


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Today I doubled my entire output for February (yes, this is the second image this month!). And something of a gift, too. More spots than a leopard with a bad case of measles...

The seeing seemed to be pretty good, so I took 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100 with the 450D and 127 Mak, squirted them through PIPP and Registax v6 gave me 61 frames to stack at a 98% quality level. Can't say fairer than that. I did have to drop a few at the start of the run because a bee landed on the filter. Until it started moving I thought I'd just picked up a sunspot the size of Jupiter :)



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Quality not quantity then?

That is a nice shot and well worth waiting for. Interesting that all the main spots are in a line at the same latitude, perhaps something stationary down below must be making them?


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