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the upcoming comet

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It should be on your western horizon after sunset. Was hoping to get a sneaky peak tonight but we just have thick could full of sleet and snow. Hopeing the skies clear for me soon but the forecast doesnt look great!

I think tues/wed will be the better nights to see it...subject to cloud of course.

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Comet Pan-Starrs, will probably be rather hard to see. It will be visible low in the south-west/ west at sunset. You need good weather no murk low down, and be very careful as you will be looking right towards the sun as it sets.

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Some estimates put C/2012 S1 Ison at well into negative magnitudes. We in the northern hemisphere should get to see it both on its approach and its departure from the Sun, so it has the potential to be a genuine Great Comet. Having said that comets are notoriously unpredictable brightness-wise, so it could always just be a damp squib.

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You need the latest copy of Stellarium. In the configuration window (left sidebar) go to Plugins > Solar System Editor > Solar System. Click the Comets option and select MPC list of Observable comets (or similar) from the drop down list, and then click on the bottom button in the window. This opens a new window where you search for the comet. You must either use the full designation (C/2011 L4 PanSTARRS), or click 'Mark all' which gets you most of the currently known comets. Click download and you're away!

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We caught it last night just after 7pm low in the west. My friend managed to take a shot of it but didn't realise it until he got home. I'm hoping the clouds clear a bit so I can get a shot tonight.

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