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Buying eyepieces from Canada.


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I am just about to pay can$175 for 2 EPs. One WO 33mm and a 15mm TV plossl. Looks like a good price, but I am confused here on what sort of import duty needs to be paid. Because this is used, do I have to pay any import duty at all? If it is marked as gift, what is the limit until which I can get away with by paying import duty/VAT?

Lastly, is this exerciseworthwhile?

Please,can someone help?



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Depends if there's a J or N in the month, what Im trying to say is sometimes you get away without paying import duty sometimes not. Bits & pieces I have bought from the US have been marked as Astronomical Instruments & I have paid no duty, I bought a IBM laptop last year on EBAY US and paid no duty.....I guess Im lucky :D

BTW good exchange rate at the moment so even with postage most things are cheaper unless you get hit with duty. IMHO its worth the chance on smaller items as VATman seems to ignore small parcels.

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Whilst I was selling my record collection on Ebay, I did send a few overseas and some of the buyers wanted me to mark it as a 'gift' and under the respective import tax threshold. I did it on the understanding that if the vinyl went missing, it's their own responsibility. I figured that was fair enough.


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I've bought used eyepieces from the USA and Hong Kong and have been caught for import duty each time as the value was over £38 - under that and I don't think they bother.

With the import duty alone the EP's would still have been very good buys compared to UK prices but you also pay a handling charge which bumps things up again. In the end I think I only made a very modest saving over what the items would have cost used in the UK :D

It's entirely up to the seller whether they are prepared to put false information on the export forms - some seem willing, others not. You can't blame them for being unwilling to tell porkies I guess :D


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I've justr received a s/h eyepiece from Warthog in Canada, and paid no import duty. He had marked it as a gift and as "used telescope parts". I can't remember the value on the packet, but it was pretty low.


If it was marked a gift and the value was stated as £36 or less then import duty is not payable.


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Secondhand photographic/optical goods over 6 months old are exempt from import duty.. but dont bank on them knowing that.

It would also need to be declared as such by the supplier/seller.

otherwise bank on 4% import duty ( on the cost +shipping and insurance) then another 17.5% on top of that.. finally to add insult to injury parcel farce (yes I did spell it right) will slap you with an £8 handling fee for the priviledge of telling you how much you owe the government and collecting it from you, whilst also trying to get you to collect the item instead of them delivering it.

Sometimes you get away with it.. other times you dont.. just never ever bank on getting away with it.

Its better if items are sent via UPS expedited but it costs, as that way the goods avoid ending up in parcel farces hands, but if its shipped usps they handle this end of things.

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I've justr received a s/h eyepiece from Warthog in Canada, and paid no import duty. He had marked it as a gift and as "used telescope parts". I can't remember the value on the packet, but it was pretty low.


TBH, I didn't fill in the customs form myself, it was done by the clerk in the PO. I don't remember saying it was a gift. I did tell her to put "used telescope parts" on the form, and I think I used the value you paid. In any case, the only time I have paid duty on used astronomy stuff was when it was sent by courier. When it comes in by post it goes through the customs office, and they usually don't bother. Couriers use a broker, and they nab you for customs and brokerage fees. Of course, that's goods coming this way. UK customs may be different.

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Secondhand photographic/optical goods over 6 months old are exempt from import duty.. but dont bank on them knowing that.

It would also need to be declared as such by the supplier/seller.

otherwise bank on 4% import duty ( on the cost +shipping and insurance) then another 17.5% on top of that.. finally to add insult to injury parcel farce (yes I did spell it right) will slap you with an £8 handling fee for the priviledge of telling you how much you owe the government and collecting it from you, whilst also trying to get you to collect the item instead of them delivering it.

Sometimes you get away with it.. other times you dont.. just never ever bank on getting away with it.

Its better if items are sent via UPS expedited but it costs, as that way the goods avoid ending up in parcel farces hands, but if its shipped usps they handle this end of things.

Ian, that's not what Customs or FedEx told me when i wanted to collect my imported 2nd hand C9.25 from U.S.

VAT+Duty is payable on all telescopic equip, irrespective of new or used. Only equip used for scientific purposes is exempt.

Can you direct me to a link, as if it's false i'd like to reclaim my £120 charges!

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Quote from the HMRC guidance on their website

'3.2 Is duty charged on used goods?

Used goods are still liable to the same duty and VAT charges as if they were new. However, their value may vary depending on their age and condition.'

Full doc available here:




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Part of the problem for me is the tantalising price of the equipment in the US - so easy to see on the internet, which whets your appetite for things that will probably end up costing a lot more to get to the UK... :D

A colleague has had mixed "success"? through eBay, but it seems to be a bit of a lottery unless you use USPS which always seems to attract the interest of the taxman here according to him.

I was looking at a TV 1.8X Barlow but in the end didn't bother - (I'd rather wait and get what I need when I'm over in the US I think).

Any decent Astro shops in the Rochester/Canandaigua area WH?



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