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Star spikes

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1. They're an abomination

2. They're usually the result of diffraction caused by the arms of the spider when imaging with a newt or similar scope where the secondary is supported by a spider

3. Some deluded individuals spoil their images by using software to add them during processing

4. They're an abomination

I think that about covers it :D

Seriously though, items 2 and 3 do apply. Some people like them, some people dislike them. I couldn't possibly comment on which group I belong to.


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He heh, I'm really glad James took the risk on this one! I normally namby pamby about by saying that I can put up with them on long focal length images but not on widefields. It's not just the spikes, either, its the little square stars in widefield images. The ones that just fail to make spikes but aren't round either.

Once you're into big scopes, though, spikes it is. Abominable but true!


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Well, when the only other option is a refractor that costs more than the car you drive around in, you will learn to live with the spikes. I am "at one" with my spiked side.

Are you saying it's possible to buy a telescope for less than the price of a car? Tell me more! Tell me more!


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It's not just the spikes, either, its the little square stars in widefield images.

Personally, I find the medium sized 'square' stars much less aesthetically pleasing than the brighter ones with well-defined diffraction spikes. I'm fairly sanguine about the whole thing though, it's a fair price to pay for aperture.

I wonder if it's possible to reduce the square star problem somehow with some post-processing somehow.

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