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Sun In White Light 14-02-2013. 13:00 GMT

Steve Ward

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Having been out in the torrential rain all morning I decided I'd had enough and called it a day . . . too long in the tooth to stick it for 8 hours . . . :p

Just squelched my way indoors and lo and behold the Sun came out . . . :laugh:

So I sat dripping on the carpet for the next hour whilst grabbing a couple of sets of 100 frames , like you do . . . :grin:

'Twas a little blustery still but the seeing was great , stacked 90 of the second set @ 90%.

Not much activity to speak of , but after a week of solid grey who cares . . .


1000D + ST120 + ND3.8 + 1.8 x Barlow + UHC + S/L.

1/1600s @ ISO 100 , 90/100/200 , Reg 5.1 , Gimp 2.8.

Day by Day album . . . http://www.astrobin....rs/steveward53/

Another week and I'll be able to remove the uppermost 4' of the pier . . . must be nearly Spring . . . :p

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Nice shoot, great to see you back posting images after a long break due to weather.

There were quite a few clear spell here yesterday, but I was too busy in the morning. I set up just before sunset and just got everything tuned up, just to see the sun dip behind the hillside, missed it. Another 15 minutes earlier, if the cloud had cleared and it would have been fine.

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