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M33 a mosaic in progress


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Hi all.

I have been working on a mosaic of m33 since October 2012 and have so far got 5 frames of the 9 needed for the luminance and the RGB for one of the 9 frames needed.

The last good run I have had on this was back in December and now that M33 is too far west for me to get a good run on from my location, I have decided to knock it on the head for now and Finnish it later this year.

Tonight I thought I would have a go at processing the L data I have so far.

For now it's a 5 frame mosaic with frames ranging from 3 to 5 hours of 600 second exposures adding up to a total of just over 21 hours at the scope.


Processing this has shown me that the core data was taken on a far superior night to the rest which has made the processing of the mosaic tough but hopefully it will come together better when processed as the full 9 frame mosaic next year.

Thanks for looking.


P.S below is a link to the core with colour.


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Thanks all for the very kind comments.:)

May be you can borrow colour from wide-field image, it's a painstaking job to gather RGB for 9 panels.


I don't mind, after all, the fun is in the journey.:)


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