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Saw Saturn for first time, now how to capture it?!

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I got up at 5 this morning and saw Saturn for the first time through my 200P! There were bands of clouds hampering my view unfortunately but what a mind blowing sight it was through the 8mm BST ep!

Now can anyone advise how I might try to image her? I have caught Jupiter quite nicely using the Xbox cam and SharpCap but obviously it's a brighter target. Is it possible to catch Saturn by the same means? Is a different approach required? If anyone has any results with similar equipment please post images!

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You'll never forget your first view of Saturn. I remember mine a couple of years ago. A friend of mine had lent me his 40 year old reflector. My brother and I set it up in my back garden and started randomly started scanning the sky. All of a sudden this blurry image hoved into view. It was unmistakably Saturn with it's rings on display. My brother and I were leaping around in the garden going nuts with excitement. If anybody had seen us, they must have though we were bonkers.

A truly magical moment.

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Snap! - I also had my first view of Saturn this morning on my SWE200P at 8mm through my hyperion 8-24 zoom, though had left it a little late at 06:15hrs, though I still managed to get a fair first image - http://stargazerslou...irefly-mv-mono/

I also got my boy out for his first view, though on the laptop screen rather than EP at this point.

I've seen some great images of saturn taken on the SPC900NC, though good seeing and a 3-4x barlow will probably help - as long as you can track/keep the image on the ccd with the dobsonian mount. Might look even better at F6, so look forward to seeing some images.


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I've been wondering about improving my SW 2x Barlow and if that would help. Fantastic images by the way!!

Not sure I'm overly qualified on the barlows, but read up a fair bit recently; The Tal x3 seems to get widely used and some good reviews, the Revelation x5 is too high for F5-F6 but the Revelation x2.5 is widely used/lauded or perhaps the Antares x3 - I think a good 2-2.5x and perhaps 30mm extension should give 3-3.5 and give some flexibility.

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Thanks Snakey, must obliged for the info!

Thanks Fordos - but no claim on being an expert here, I there are a few existing threads on this subject - but sure no one would mind seeing this as a fresh post in its own right

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I don't think you'll have any issues with the TAL, Revelation/GSO or Antares barlows with the SWS200P - all are reputable and reasonable quality and better than the standard SW fare, you have stacks of travel with the standard Synta Crayford so doubt you will have problems with insufficient in/out focus. Might have to be a little more careful with some of the low profile focusers if fitted.

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I use a Tal 3x barlow on my 200P dob when capturing the planets. Managed to get Saturn this morning - not particularly good, as the conditions were poor and I'm out of practice.

Very Nice Memory bliss - what time did you capture this?

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Very Nice Memory bliss - what time did you capture this?

Cheers Snakey. I checked 7timer last night to see what the skies were going to be like in the morning - luckily clear. So set the alarm for 4:30 and starting capturing around 5:10, I should of stayed in bed really with the poor result I got ho hum.

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That's what I've been hearing in the past couple of weeks...Saturn..Saturn..Saturn :)

Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn

Guess what I am going to get up and see in the morning if it is clear enough ?

Ermmmmmmm ah yes Saturn :grin:

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