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Saturn low down n the south eastern sky


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Hi to everyone,

Just wanted to say that it was worth waiting up till 3 am to see Saturn again, It has been nearly 18 years since the last time that I looked at it through a scope and none of the magic is lost, using my SynScan 127 Mak and a 15 mm BST explorer it was as beautiful as ever with its many moons and the rings are not placed too badly either shame that it is so low down. Seeing was not good, perhaps moderate with a lot of atmospheric undulations but still it was worth it, now need to get some sleep.



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I've just had a peek through my 18mm BST.

In my hurry to catch a glimps, I had forgotten to polar align, I then had to make do as Polaris was swamped by some fluffy grey abominations. :/ So with my motor sending Saturn all over the shop I resorted to an oldy but goody and nudged the scope myself.

First chance to view in my current scope and when the abominations parted I was able to get clear as a bell views, despite the selfishly low position of Saturn at the moment.

Waking up rediculously early. Totally. Worth. It. :grin:

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I've had my scope over a year now and still haven't seen Saturn. I have to admit I'm not a night owl observer. I'd say 11pm is about my limit and my body refuses anything resembling an early start. I'm hoping towards the end of March I will finally get it (clear skies permitting)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got up at 3am with Saturn in mind. Well placed in the south.

At x240 it was very clear with Cassini all the way around, a lovely shadow of the belts on the surface and granulation to the storm belt.

Curiously at about 4.30 it all went a rose pink colour. I checked the ep to see if I'd left a filter on, but it must have been some effect of the sunrise appearing.The rings are really wide, coming up to just below the pole at the thinnest point.

well worth getting up to see,


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I got a good view from my back garden at 05:15 this morning - Saturn just clearing the neighbours trees but visually stunning @ 250x (though the mount was wobbling a fair bit in the wind) - other than the gusts of wind it was a beautiful morning full of bird song and a balmy 6C. Even managed to get some reasonable images before the kids woke up and shattered the peace ;)

Took me a lot longer to get in to work though as 12 videos to stack and play with before breakfast - not easy in between nappies and tantrums!

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I also viewed Saturn for my first time on Saturday night at about 4am. It was low in the sky but visible. I could make out the Cassini division and the belts around the planet, it was a beautiful sight. I didnt see any moons however, im curious why this is as i was using a 10" dob. Maybe due to its low position? The fact i am in a city with high light pollution? I am not sure...

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I also viewed Saturn for my first time on Saturday night at about 4am. It was low in the sky but visible. I could make out the Cassini division and the belts around the planet, it was a beautiful sight. I didnt see any moons however, im curious why this is as i was using a 10" dob. Maybe due to its low position? The fact i am in a city with high light pollution? I am not sure...

I also saw it this year for the first time on Saturday Night, as you say it was still quite low. I could see 5 moons on Saturday night through a 10" dob, I would assume it's your light pollution or seeing conditions, you'll be able see moons with a much lower aperture than ours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had planned a night of galaxy hunting, but the conditions weren't the best. The moon had not long cleared the houses and I was beginning to think about calling it a night. However, I decided to have a quick look at Saturn. I hadn't seen it for a while and wasn't expecting anything special due to the low position and the proximity of the moon. Was I in for a surprise. Wish the 9mm eyepiece it looked stunningly clear. Cassini division was easily visible as was the shadow of the rings on the planet surface. I even convinced my girlfriend to come outside for a look. She was mightily impressed and said it was like looking at a picture. Happy days indeed.


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Had to call time at 00.43am as it was too cold - I suffer really badly with numb fingers and joints,,, been getting used to the 200P and remembering the tips regarding the soft adjustment bolts and just basically finding targets in the night sky.

Never seen Saturn so hopefully will be able to see it sometime this year !!

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