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Orion Nebula first image!


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I saw the nebula for the first time last night, (27th January 2013) I was wondering if there is a common exposure time or is each telescope different? I'm new to all of this as I got my telescope for the Christmas just gone, I've done pictures of the moon easily it's the planets and nebula I'm struggling with can anyone help? The telescope I've got is Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO Telescope i understand I may need a new mount as the one I've got isn't the best if there's tips or trick id be glad to listen

Thanks Chris Twell

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I saw the nebula for the first time last night, (27th January 2013) I was wondering if there is a common exposure time or is each telescope different? I'm new to all of this as I got my telescope for the Christmas just gone, I've done pictures of the moon easily it's the planets and nebula I'm struggling with can anyone help? The telescope I've got is Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO Telescope i understand I may need a new mount as the one I've got isn't the best if there's tips or trick id be glad to listen

Thanks Chris Twell

The mount may be ok and all you can do is try it out first. The telescope is fine for nebulas and it's just the imaging side. Have a Canon EOS 1100d dslr camera or any dslr camera and then set it to manual mode at about ISO 800 and set the timer to 30s. The image above has been processed through photoshop to get more detail out of it so don't be alarmed if you first image doesn't look like mine above as all of that comes with manipulating the image and bringing out the detail that the camera has already captured.

Not sure what imaging setup you've got? The only problem I can see with your scope is that the F number is 11.8 and the rule for imaging dsos is that you need around the F/5 number.

If anyone else wants to help out then it'd be handy as what I've just told is coming through what I've already done!

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Yes I already understand about it not being how you see in pictures etc, I see what you mean though its going to be a trial and error kind of thing, but ill give it a go next time I get some clear sky, will I need to use the tracking function on my telescope? I haven't a clue how to set that up yet, the instructions are not that clear, if I do need it I will have to work that out. Thanks for the quick replies though.

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To save time and because the Orion nebula is so easy to spot, yes you do need tracking. All I did is do the one star alignment then put it on any star and press enter and it should say alignment successful. That way it will track whatever's in the telescope's view. Then use the arrows on the keypad and point it to Orion. Have you polar aligned the scope?

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When I look at the Orion Nebula through my 8 inch dob it looks no way near as good as that. Just a fuzzy look with the trapizeum in the middle

Yes but it's still amazing to think you can see it with just your eye.

No I haven't polar aligned it, I'm not sure how to do that as I've said the instruction manual isn't really as clear as it could be , so doing a one star alignment is a better option then me normally doing a two star?

What I meant is your not actually doing the alignment your just setting it up for it to track what you want. Just turning the scope on isn't enough as it won't be tracking anything... I'm not making that much sense am I?

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I saw the nebula for the first time last night, (27th January 2013) I was wondering if there is a common exposure time or is each telescope different? I'm new to all of this as I got my telescope for the Christmas just gone, I've done pictures of the moon easily it's the planets and nebula I'm struggling with can anyone help? The telescope I've got is Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO Telescope i understand I may need a new mount as the one I've got isn't the best if there's tips or trick id be glad to listen

Thanks Chris Twell

Hi there

The scope u have is a really good one for planets, you'd do well to get a cheap webcam and a small laptop to try it out. The main problem with nebula is the long exposures - you need an EQ mount to track the object across the sky.

Planets and the moon are much easier to start on.



PS any help u need just pm or post somewhere in beginners. :)

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Hi there

The scope u have is a really good one for planets, you'd do well to get a cheap webcam and a small laptop to try it out. The main problem with nebula is the long exposures - you need an EQ mount to track the object across the sky.

Planets and the moon are much easier to start on.



PS any help u need just pm or post somewhere in beginners. :)

Hi, thanks for that replay, I think I'm trying to run before I can walk, might be better for me to get good at the moon and planets before moving onto the nebula, I'm definitely looking for a webcam just need my laptop repairing first. I thought that I may need a new mount after emailing the closes astronomy club to me, they said something about an EQ mount. So I will practice on the planets I think Jupiter is brilliant over where I am at the moment ill still try to work out the tracking on my Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO Telescope just to help out as Jupiter doesn't stay in my eyepiece for very long at all which I understand

thanks again for the reply and yes if I have any other question I will pm you thanks for the support.

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No worries,

Jupiter will stay put once you do a 1 or two star alignment, this just locks your mount in the right position so it knows where it is and where its pointing. U only need to worry about polar/north alignment with EQ mounts.

When the synscan is set up you'll have pretty much full control. :)



ps. i'll msg u back shortly :)

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