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1st Saturn of the new Season! Jan 26th.

Space Cowboy

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Got up at 5am to check on some calving heifers only to see clear sky! Anyhow after coming round from the shock I set up the scope and captured some nice blurry images. Seeing was dire and with Saturn being only 24 degrees and some way off oppostion I was not expecting anything spectacular.

2 images here taken at f26 then downsized 75% to try and cover up the mess lol.

1st image a straight 4000 frame stack and 2nd image combining 2 stacked avis that had been run through PIPP and a little more saturation used.

Its a dogs breakfast but its a start lol



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It is a start which is more that I have been able to achieve this year.

Every image I see posted here is an aspiration and they all go to reinforce my amazement of what jewels and visual treasures are up above us!

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Thanks guys I think seeing will have to be pretty special this year to get any real detail. Its frustrating because the rings are more open so cassini will look great under good conditions which I doubt we will get in the UK.

Had to run gain at 100% to get a decent frame rate (30fps) which meant noise levels were very high. I could use my 3x Tal with an extension to shoot at f20ish to run lower gain but the Tal can't compete with my powermate and I find focussing is never as accurate on a small image.

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Yep can see Cassini, Stuart and well done for having a go! Things are going to be difficult ( and going downhill ) and as you say Stuart the rings are opening out nicely.... :huh: . Let`s hope for the best conditions - or a trip to Australia. :grin:

Best regards,


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