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Hi from East Sussex


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Just too let you all know, the scope has arrived!!! **much rejoicing!!**

All seemed fairly straight forward to setup, but i have to say that the manual that comes with the scope and mount, is a little vague and unhelpful. Once i got passed the realisation that i didn't have to use both the short, and the long mounting plates, everything went quite smoothly haha :) ( I am not that stupid, honest!!. just wanted to make sure everything was how it should be :) )

What a stunning bit of kit though!!

I will be having fun today learning my way around polar alignment and also looking into some form of witchcraft to make these oh so stubborn clouds disappear!! wish me luck!!

Thanks again all, for the warm welcome and advice

Clear Skies!!

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Thanks for the clear sky hope!

I maybe lucky enough to get first light for half hour or so after sunset today or tomorrow. The weather is teasing me at the moment with clearing blue skies and welcome, warmth from the sun. This is due to change though, but you never know. Lady luck may show her face....here's to hoping ! :)

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Jez, there is help to be found for assembling an equatorial mount, some of the instruction manuals do leave a lot to be desired, have a look at Richard McDonald website ; the mcdonalds setting up an equatorial mount, it has a lot of useful information set out in sections with many helpful photos, you may also find Astro-baby`s web site of use as well. Enjoy your new scope :)


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Jez, there is help to be found for assembling an equatorial mount, some of the instruction manuals do leave a lot to be desired, have a look at Richard McDonald website ; the mcdonalds setting up an equatorial mount, it has a lot of useful information set out in sections with many helpful photos, you may also find Astro-baby`s web site of use as well. Enjoy your new scope :)


Hi John

Thanks for the Tips and Info i will check them out now :)

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Hi Jez welcome to SGL. It's typical isn't it? When we men finally do read the manual they are almost impossible to understand! :grin:

A good way of ensuring your polar scope is perfectly centred in your mount try the tip in Astronomysheds You Tube video here:

The relevant information starts at about 4:12 in the video.

You should get some really good views with your choice of scope, if the clouds ever clear!

Hope the OTA was okay when it was finally delivered. I hope you didn't have this

! :shocked:

Edit: Err, I'm not sure why the video has appeared here. It is supposed to just be the link like the FedEx one! :huh::icon_scratch:

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Hi Jez welcome to SGL. It's typical isn't it? When we men finally do read the manual they are almost impossible to understand! :grin:

Hi Bryan, thanks for the welcome. Hahaha, yes it is typical!

Thanks for the video link, I am going to spend the day tomorrow getting my head around it hopefully in time for the 2 hours of clear skies 6pm-8pm, according to the Met office. Although they have been known to be wrong :)

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Hi and Welcome Jez from cloudy West Sussex :grin:

Its a nice scope, I love mine.. t least when the clouds go into hiding :Envy:

Hi Hawkeye,

Well, some excellent news. Chased the cloudless patch of sky moving from the east and got first light!!!!

'You cannot be Sirius, man!!!'

Well yes, i actually am, and funnily enough the star was Sirius, and the constellation Canis Major. (I maybe wrong, I am new, but i think my calculations are correct) Only got about 1 min of viewing after getting in focus with the supplied 25mm ep, then the Cloudsrolled in, in force :(

But, although only a glimpse at low mag, This has got me well and truly bitten by the bug! (not that i wasnt already :) )

I took a photo on my samsung s2, purely as a keepsake, a reminder of my first ever view through a telescope. And **drum roll** id like to share with you............a white dot on a black background. :laugh:

26/01/13  firstlight-sirius

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Welcome to SGL.

Chilli grower eh?...commercial? What you got in? I grow Trini Scorpion, Naga, Jolokia, Bonnets and Grenadian Seasoning Peppers :smiley:

Hi Ras,

Not sure if we're allowed to talk shop on here, only astronomy, so forgive me SGL if i cant.

Yes, i do a little of everything chilli related. Have only done one season as full time, but have been growing chillies for years.

Basically, started up a small farm, well not really a farm, but land i have polytunnel/s on. Only small atm. 1/4 acre max.

I do alsorts. Fresh chillies, smoked dried chillies, plants of all sizes, sauces, chutneys, Oils (sometimes) and even have a local sausage maker i work with but these are only special order and not really something i want to sell. My main chilli is scotch bonnet, but i grow lots of others. Will be making my own chipotle this season as well as trying a paprika blend.

Its all work in progress, and having been diagnosed with acute tendonitis in both wrist and being laid off ill for several weeks, its been a tough start to the year. Though the first batch of new plants germinated yesterday. Bonnets, bhuts, scorpions, hot lemon, jalapeno, tabasco, cayenne, birds eye and a few others.

Do you grow for just for personal use?

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Hi Extreme. Yep, frustrating, but it will make it all the more amazing when the clouds do finally clear. I sympathise for the 2 week wait, I am hoping it wont be that long before we can both get some clear skies!!. Its looking promising for tomo eve for a couple hours. Fingers crossed!

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Hi Moommonkey

It's just so frustrating the first time I set up my gear I didn'tevel the scope or anything just wanted to play with the guiding etc.

Set up everything properly under clear sky and it closes over

Dont dispair Extreme, unfortunately one of the downfalls of living in England is the fact we have to put up with English weather. But it will begin to settle again soon, I am sure. And on a positive note, you are getting familiar with the setup of the new mount so it should be easier and quicker next time :) .

My only suggestion would be to get a lot of extra sleep and stock up on coffee/cuppa soup, so when a clear night comes you can do a dusk til dawn.

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Hi Ras,

Not sure if we're allowed to talk shop on here, only astronomy, so forgive me SGL if i cant.

Yes, i do a little of everything chilli related. Have only done one season as full time, but have been growing chillies for years.

Basically, started up a small farm, well not really a farm, but land i have polytunnel/s on. Only small atm. 1/4 acre max.

I do alsorts. Fresh chillies, smoked dried chillies, plants of all sizes, sauces, chutneys, Oils (sometimes) and even have a local sausage maker i work with but these are only special order and not really something i want to sell. My main chilli is scotch bonnet, but i grow lots of others. Will be making my own chipotle this season as well as trying a paprika blend.

Its all work in progress, and having been diagnosed with acute tendonitis in both wrist and being laid off ill for several weeks, its been a tough start to the year. Though the first batch of new plants germinated yesterday. Bonnets, bhuts, scorpions, hot lemon, jalapeno, tabasco, cayenne, birds eye and a few others.

Do you grow for just for personal use?

The scotch bonnet rules! I mainly make hot pepper sauce, the hotter the better. And yes, its just for personal usage. All grown at my humble allotment, which doubles as the site for my astronomy!

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Hi Ras,

Not sure if we're allowed to talk shop on here, only astronomy, so forgive me SGL if i cant.

Yes, i do a little of everything chilli related. Have only done one season as full time, but have been growing chillies for years.

Basically, started up a small farm, well not really a farm, but land i have polytunnel/s on. Only small atm. 1/4 acre max.

I do alsorts. Fresh chillies, smoked dried chillies, plants of all sizes, sauces, chutneys, Oils (sometimes) and even have a local sausage maker i work with but these are only special order and not really something i want to sell. My main chilli is scotch bonnet, but i grow lots of others. Will be making my own chipotle this season as well as trying a paprika blend.

Its all work in progress, and having been diagnosed with acute tendonitis in both wrist and being laid off ill for several weeks, its been a tough start to the year. Though the first batch of new plants germinated yesterday. Bonnets, bhuts, scorpions, hot lemon, jalapeno, tabasco, cayenne, birds eye and a few others.

Do you grow for just for personal use?

The scotch bonnet rules! I mainly make hot pepper sauce, the hotter the better. And yes, its just for personal usage. All grown at my humble allotment, which doubles as the site for my astronomy!

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Hi Jez

A warm welcome to the SGL

I think you get really good skies in East Sussex, I go to to the star party there in September hope to see you there


Hi Doug, thanks for the welcome.

I am assuming thats the one at Herstmonceux observatory? Its only a few miles from me, and shocking to think I've not been there since I was a kid. I had thought it had closed down at one point as i heard that the scopes were being move abroad to south america somewhere, I think ?! But I will definitely be going sometime soon, and, all things permitting, the star party too!! No doubt see you there :)

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Yes sorry I do mean Herstmonceux

in 2009 the weather was just the best and the milky way is still the best i have ever seen I envy the sky you have there when the weather permits

clear skies


Hi Doug

Yes we do get some amazingly clear skies round this way, unfortunately though this doesn't seem to be the case since I got the new scope! haha :)

Hope to meet in sept

Clear Skies!!


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