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ITS ARRIVED....!!!!!


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...and my god its BIG, never imagined quite how big it was going to be..... :shock: Me and my better half sat laughing at the shear scale of the optical tube for about 1/2 hour, still can't quite believe it now, 2 hours on...... :clouds2:

When the delivery van pulled up outside, butterflies kicked in, I waited at the front door while he got the box out of the van, oh I thought, thats not too big, what where the lads on about, they have been winding me up...buggars..... :clouds2: He brought the box, put it in the hall, right there you are he said, box no.1 .....ONE!!!!!!!!! :shock: ONE!!!! :shock: Oh what the hell have I done?. He walks up to me with box no.2, he said, I carried the lighter one first.....!!!! This just gets worse.... :clouds2:

I wanted to open them, but I thought I should wait till my youngest is in bed, so I had to control my excitement. And I know I was supposed to wait till christmas morning, but who could?..... :lol:

Well its all set up, didn't take much brain power, but took plenty of brawn, its a good job I got me fella, who happily told me I needed sectioning :clouds2:....its flippin heavy, but its stunning and I LOVE IT..... :clouds2: and theres :clouds2:, GAZOC you were right, but hopefully the weekend will be clear, so roll on the weekend.

You do realise I shall need you lot more than ever now, I'm definitely like a fish out of water, so with your brains and my determination, I should do ok.

Gawd I'm so excited.....

Caz :sunny:

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You need to have the images already hosted on the internet to show them on the forum.

If you follow the link on the ISEE STARS logo, you can set up an account where you can upload your images too

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You should be able to shrink the photo using your computer software.

Thanks for that Ian, the image was too big, I'm off to crop... :clouds2:


No Worries Caz.

we're waiting with baited breath................................... :clouds2:

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OK I *really* need my bed so.....

Whatever the package, there will be an option to resize the image (Under Edit/Image Info or something similar).

Resize to 800 x 600 (keep the aspect ratio ticked otherwise it will look weird) and then save as a JPG. It will be the right size and quick to upload as well!

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