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Making a dew shield

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Only just bought my first scope and not had a chance to use it yet ( skymax 127 MAK) and already I've read nothing but doom and gloom about what it won't do - only good for moon and planets - I keep reading. And here I was thinking that astronomy was all about looking at stars!! Have I a bought a dud I am now asking myself? I did loads of research - but there are so many conflicting opinions I had to start somewhere :shocked: I shied away from manual and aligning mirrors......so thought I was on the right lines.....

Anyway, stuck with what I have got.....now I see that I will need a dew shield. So.......I plan on making one......so how long should it be? I also see I will need a 12v hair dryer ( I have a jump start pack so not using batteries) so will any 12v hair dryer do - or are there alternatives? Having bought my scope I do not really have much money left for 'extra's. I am now wondering what else I will 'need' to get. I suppose like any hobby....it becomes a money pit :grin:

I have a few days to sort this out because of course we have cloudy skies and snow forecast now :grin:

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Your 127 is not a dud, it just has a narrow field of view, it will show stars and it is a good double star scope, it will also show some galaxies and nebula plus globs, it just excels at planet and luna

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Thanks for the replies. I have been looking at materials. The cost of buying a black foam mat (only seen yoga versions) some felt to line, plus velcro and the post and packing and or petrol to collect is beginning to add up. It is looking like a much easier route is to buy !! I enjoy a challenge though, so might see what I can come up with. Handy with a sewing machine, so might just go for a brightly coloured camping mat ( why are they all such bright colours??) and see if I cannot fabricate something to tone it down. I could of course do something really wacky and make the dew shield look like some funky alien 'beast' devouring my scope and add ears and legs and things :grin:

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I made a dew shield out of 2 A4 sheets of the black felt you get from a craft shop. About 39P each and stapled them together to form a circle and use some wire to create 2 circles at the ends to hold them apart - bit of sellotape and it works really well on my 150mm scope.

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Well I have decided to 'have a go'. Have ordered 2 x 6mm thick A4 foam sheets, a length of jet black wool mix felt, 20mm width black velcro, and some anti slip mat. So I will splice and glue the two A4 sheets together and line with the black felt, leaving a small gap at the bottom to apply the 'non-slip' stuff. Then I will stick and sew the velcro. Not sure whether to 'inset' the velcro so that when the 'tube' is formed it is 'flush'. Would it matter having a join that 'bulges' I wonder?

I will let you know of my efforts........ hubby came home today with a 12v compact hair-dryer he picked up from a nearby caravan place.......and here was me thinking he was showing no interest in my latest hobby :grin:

All I will need is for the snow clouds to go :smiley:

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