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Beginner with 200p dob which iPhone app to go with it ?

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Hello i am a Beginner just ordered 200p skyliner dob

which iPhone app would you recommend to help me navigate the sky , ? Maybe one that used GPS ?

Please forgive me if this has been asked 1000 times I really appreciate the help I get from this excellent site ,

Tanks for your help

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Can't remember, I only upgraded because the plus version has the telescope control. There's also more in depth descriptions of objects so in the free version they'll be some photos you can't see in the descriptions of objects. I'm really pleased with it and think its worth every penny but I do use it mostly on my iPad now so everything's easier to see.

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Everyone has their preferences and needs to try things. I have star charts and a red torch but rarely use the charts anymore. Most apps have a night vision mode. Maybe I get more benefit from the apps because I have more light pollution here. Even if you don't use them outside they're a great aid for information and planning viewing.

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You would be MUCH better off buying a starchart or sky atlas and a Red torch to use with your dob . . .

Peering at the phone screen will ruin any dark adaption and spoil your view through the eyepiece . . . . .


Not if you make a red acetate cover from the screen of your iphone, it'll still detect your fingers.

My vote is on StarmapPro, haven't found another app that comes close to it yet.

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I find the best thing is to use a combination of a red torch and star charts and the Star Walk application. The Star Walk application has a Red light (dark adaption) option, but the search option is in normal light.

If you plan your nights viewing before hand by writing notes on your charts, you will waste less time later. Stellarium will show what objects are available at what time, but you will have to work out if they are blocked in your location.


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