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All set up


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Well am all set up in the garden just a matter of time would love to see Orion in the scope and Jupiter again and Saturn but i don't think its up until early hrs

but right now ill settle for anything

touch wood for Saturday

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just about to go out and set up, did check the weather satellite first, there does seem to be a band of cloud coming our way, but it's quite narrow and should pass by 8-9 ish, so im taking a chance, even if it's just to dust off and check the kit pending Saturday.

fingers crossed

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Just been outside for a look not alot out there at the mo but i left the scope outside which is fine..??? and the lenses too but now they are fogged up should take they in all the time or leave with the scope

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what I usually do Dean is make sure if you leave them outside your eye piece case is closed. If your talking about leaving the E/Ps in the scope just leave the dust cap on - should stop them fogging up. I'd make the most of tonight there's potentially some very cold and even possibly snowy weather to come into weekend and well into next week. What a pleasure it is though just to look up and see the Universe again.

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Been fortunate to have clear skies up until about 8:30 when I packed it up and went inside to watch Stargazing Live, which brought another smile to my face.

Didn't realize we've been missing something from our observing meets. . . " Space Beer "

I got it half right, check out that plate of Donuts on the table.

Well, I'll bring the Donuts as usual, so, who's going to bring the beer ? :grin:

Edit: Forgot the photo.


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I wish they would stop asking the comedians on the show, i was cringing at David badiel last night. Only got a brief look outside tonight, don't think I'll make it Saturday unfortunately at the moment. Lovely to see orion high in the sky again though. Mike doughnuts and COFFEES.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Hi Steve,

I only got a brief look too. Set the little scope up between our cars on the street, as the back yard is a swamp. Spent most of my time talking to people passing by interested in having a peek.

I agree with you about the comedians,. It's quite apparent that Sir Patrick is gone.

Anyway, it was uplifting to see the night sky again. :smiley:

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