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It's Saturn again


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Having to get up early this week as my son has been doing Work Experience and has to get a bus at the crack of dawn. At least it's given me the motivation (and excuse) to get out with the scope as we have had some fine mornings down here.

Used my ATIK camera and a 2x Barlow on Saturn as my first effort using eyepiece projection didn't work very well.

As a result, it was nearly 7am (and getting brighter) before I got this image. Pleased to get some disk detail nonetheless.

Mars was high in the sky but can wait for when it can be imaged in the evening.

Enough of the early mornings already. It's half term next week thank goodness.

Click to make it bigger (the image, that is)


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A good choice of scope as OO optics are excellent. Great for DSO's but obviously focal length is king when it comes to planets.

There are many other factors such as collimation, focusing, conditions and the list goes on, but take a look at some of the images I have taken on my website. There is a mixture of both Lunar, planetary and some DSO's (early days for me) using both a Toucam and ATIK camera.


Good luck with the new scope.


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Well done Geoff... You couldn't resist the seductive planet then eh :(. Lovely shot and love the colours. I'm simply not hardcore enough to stay up until such unearthly hours at the moment. I think I can slog it out for Jan/Feb to catch this beauty. I miss her like a drug tho :D


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Thanks for the kind words. Steep learning curve, cold nights, frustration and much cursing involved I can assure you.

Lots of luck and good seeing for your new toy. You have made an excellent choice. The only shame is that its not the end of the assault on the finances :(


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