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Gee whiz, I got out tonight !!!


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... for the first time in a month nearly! Seeing was rubbish by any other standards but having gone through the weather of late beggars can't be choosers....

No good for AP since not clear enough and too many cloud banks but did some visual on Jupiter, double stars, had ascout around Auriga,

Great stuff - was starting to get rusty, biggest observing gap due to weather for years.


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shock horror, i managed a nice Jupiter session tonight and M42 for a few minutes before the cloud returned


Was high haze all the time I was out. Then clouded over horizon to horizon at 09:30.

But not knocking it lest the clouds hear me.....

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Pretty rubbish all day here. A brief gap as it got dark, just to tempt me outside. Soon as I got the mount set up it clouded over though. Even during the gap it looked pretty hazy and twinkly. Ah well, I'm sure it'll be nice and clear tomorrow :) (hope springs eternal and all that.... .)

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Well done getting out there!

I was lucky to get 1 hour, I stuck to the stuff I know roughly where to find, expecting the clouds to come rushing in at any second!

Jupiter didn't take maginication too well for me tonight, but M35 was stunning with NGC2158 in the corner of the view and nice and clear. I got a quick look at the Owl Cluster NGC457 as well, one of my favourites.

Hope anyone due some clear gets some soon.

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