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I've just seen Jupiter!


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Feeling your Pain James, I had a good session on Jupiter at the beginning of December, since I've made some changes to my camera mount, cleaned and re colomated my mirrors and I am dying to get out there, Even been driving around the Port Talbot, Bridgend area looking for possible dark sky sites, It's just so frustrating, but-----

2012 was the 2nd wettest year on record, now lets hope that is not a trend and just a gulf stream/ El Ninio blip

currently the air pressure round here is up in the 1028-32 Mbar, so I'm hoping for a clear night PDQ.


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You're a lucky man! The astro forecast for here says it will be "mostly clear" by 7pm, but at the moment it's wall-to-wall cloud...fingers crossed though.

I think we just happen to be under a sliver of clear atmosphere between two banks of cloud at the moment. Judging by the way the clouds are moving on the sat24 images I'm not at all sure it will last :(



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Heyyyyyyyyy i got a whole 15 minutes before the clouds rolled in. Managed to get a good view of Jupiter and try out my new RA motor which worked perfectly, once I switched it to run the right way :grin:

I thought I saw 5 moons, was this right or am I seeing things?


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We're getting wave after wave of cloud here. It's quite frustrating. I could get maybe half an hour's observing in and then have to wait another half hour to see anything. Not exactly a productive way to spend an evening :(


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I live in Southend and the forecast says it will be clear for a period from 9 until 1. Do you think I should go for it? Sat24 looks like it could be clear but I just want to get Orion nebula. It's cloudy now so just not sure :-(

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I'm keen to image Jupiter with my SPC880 and Celestron 6SE. Things looked acceptable (for the desperate!) on Tri-Timer and SAT24, and by looking outside, so I set up the gear in the back garden...and hoped....

Then the clouds closed in and didn't open up. Grrr!

Fingers crossed for later next week!

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Looking at sat24 now it appears to be nigh on impossible to predict what's going to happen this evening. There's a large area of cloud heading northeast just off Ireland, but bits of it seem to be being dragged east and south across the UK. That could leave usable gaps, or the entire cloud mass could end up over us.


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Well, I've just given up having spent at least a couple of hours outside and the seeing has been pants. Very little achieved other than introducing myself to FireCapture. WIth the gain on the camera at about 80% (normally I use less than 40% for Jupiter) I was struggling to get a histogram more than 20% wide.

The sat24 IR image makes it look like it might clear later, but the IR doesn't pick up all the cloud by a long stretch so I'm far from convinced :(


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