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Manual filter wheel...which one?


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Hi there. I have had a trawl through the forums but cant find a lot relating specifically to manual filter wheels. Im looking at getting a manual one (keeping cost down) sometime next year. I am just wondering what brands people have had experience with and what could be recommended or advised to avoid.

Many thanks and a merry Christmas and clear skies for 2013.


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I've got a Trutek superslim filterwheel. I'm glad that I've got it too as otherwise I'd have to change my kit in order to get the correct spacing for my reducer. You can always add space, but you can't take it away!!!

They are a good solid built wheel that you can have converted later to an electric one if the mood takes you. The 8 filter carousel wheel is great so it's loaded up all the time with all my filters. It is solid and clicks the filters into the right place each time.

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I use an electronic filter wheel these days but I still have a manual ScopeTeknix wheel and this was great to use with very positive click-stops that ensured accurate filter alignment time after time. The only negative to this (in common with many other manual filter wheels) is that there is a risk of stray light and dust ingress through the manual thumb-wheel aperture which was the main reason for me going all electronic as this allows for a light and dust-tight solution.

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Thanks all for the replies. Steve, I have read about the light ingress through the thumb wheel, some over come this by placing lint free black cloth over the wheel when imaging. My thinking in getting a manual wheel was to keep the cost down and reading through the forums and the pros and cons of a usb wheel I cannot really justify the expenditure for a usb version. Thanks again, have a merry Christmas.

Kind regards


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Yes, on a budget electrifying your filter wheel has to be about the most unproductive use of cash that you're likely to indulge in! I bought one but then got fed up with occasional 'device not recognised' messages from my bosom buddy Bill Gates and settled on the manual again. I know somebody else who lost an entire and massive imaging run because his electric wheel wasn't going back the the right place each time.


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I have the Brightstar 5 x 1.25" manual wheel from Modern Astronomy as well. Seems solid enough and I haven't noticed any light ingress even when shooting flats in the day time.


Ah, now I can't get good flats in the daytime, but in truth I struggle to get them in the daytime with a closed electric wheel as well.

I've never got to the bottom of this.


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I ran a couple of tests wrapping the whole focuser/wheel/camera assembly in a blackout bag (drawstring potato keeper bag :D ) and compared to without. I couldn't see any difference on either flats or image after they were applied.

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I have a manual Atik filter wheel which I bought second-hand from a fellow SGLer, and I've been very happy with it. If I were in the market for one now, I think I'd go for the Brightstar FW based on SGL users recommendations. Looks very good value for money.

Actually, I've just noticed a Brightstar MFW has cropped up on ABS today for £55 which looks pretty good value as well :).

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