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First Light RC8 - Horsehead and Flame (7hrs of data)


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This is my first attempt at imaging the Horsehead nebula with my new RC8 in combination with my modded (un-cooled) Canon 30D. It was taken over 4 nights. I fought high winds one night (still produced round stars...don't know how) and high temperature for one evening (~28 degrees C...hot pixels...yuk!) I was getting more star trails on the nights with no wind but this is likely to be due to me not sorting out balance in DEC yet.


Scope: GSO RC8

Mount: EQ6

Imaging camera: un-cooled, modded Canon 30D

Guide scope: 60mm f/11 refractor

Guide camera: unmodded toucam

Guided using PhD

Sub details: 7hrs of data (84x5mins @ ISO1600)

Stacked in DSS and processed in PS.

First image is my attempt and second shows RAW sub. As you can see in the final, there is a annoying reflection which is likely to be due to LPS filter.

Not completely happy with colour so feedback is more than welcome happy19.gif

Merry Xmas all happy04.gif



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Nice image there. I have the same internal reflection with mine, it's not due to the filter. It helps sometimes to decrease sub-exposure until you do not see them at all.


Do you get the same reflection without a filter? What sort of exposure settings are you suggesting. I only did 5 mins subs. I wouldn't think I would capture much if I didn't at least do 5 mins.

liking the image

Thanks :smiley:

I have actually attached an update picture as I noticed a green gradient.


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I use it with mono CCD and filters, it's mostly with green and blue.

You are imaging a very bright star and as you can see you get lots of small concentric circles around it. You can search for GSO internal reflection.

You can try to mask it with shorter exposures or just leave it there. There are lot of target with it bright stars nearby.


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Thanks Gina and tingting.

Mark: I thought the internal reflections were fixed a few years ago? A guy in Australia was the one which helped with the new design. I might try a few short exposures or leave it as is. I generally have little time to image so don't want to spend too much more time on this target :smiley:


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