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Naff weather for next few days :(


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Not been any good since last Tuesday except for a few glimpses through clouds on Saturday night... :( And looks like gonna be rubbish until next week as well :(

Doh....... I want to get out there and get learning !!!!! Man, its so frustrating, I am looking for the dog to kick....

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The weather is really rustling my jimmes right now.

I havent had a real clear night for over two weeks now.

I had two really short bino sessions but I could only just make out the most bright objects between the clouds and the haze.

Next week isn't looking any better but I'm stowing my binos for when I fly down to Gothenburg for Christmas as 23rd might have some gaps in the clouds.

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The weather is really rustling my jimmes right now.

I havent had a real clear night for over two weeks now.

I had two really short bino sessions but I could only just make out the most bright objects between the clouds and the haze.

Next week isn't looking any better but I'm stowing my binos for when I fly down to Gothenburg for Christmas as 23rd might have some gaps in the clouds.

...and here I was thinking "those Swedes have it lucky, all cold and clear.." :) So not like that Carl ? Surely can't be as bad as UK?

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...and here I was thinking "those Swedes have it lucky, all cold and clear.." :) So not like that Carl ? Surely can't be as bad as UK?

I don't have access to weather data history, but I see posters here from the UK who have been far far luckier than I have :)

Usually we don't get so much cold before christmas, and this time the cold also brough misty haze the last nights that seemed promising.

So to make a long story short, I don't think Sweden is "infamous" for it's weather the same way the UK is, but this season we're both shafted.

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The sky is cloudless here, but there is a blanket of fog. I can see some bright stars but the fog is too thick to do any proper observation. I think I would rather have a cloudy sky than get tease with this semi opaque sky.

Hopefully the weather will improve

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Been naff weather all month, really. I've had one night outside in three weeks :(

It's probably all my fault. I have new toys.


Me too, but what else is there to do than buy nice new bits and pieces? I have a nice new ADM dual bar and puck to play with. :rolleyes:

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Me too, but what else is there to do than buy nice new bits and pieces? I have a nice new ADM dual bar and puck to play with. :rolleyes:

I wasn't intending to buy anything, but then this 13mm Nagler popped up in the classifieds. And I was only saying a couple of weeks ago that I'd never pay over the odds for a 12.5mm BGO as I'd rather put the money towards a second-hand Nagler...


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Pretty much the same here in Norway. Overcast, raining, snowing sleeting for about a week. But I did get a five-minute glimpse at the moon about an hour and a half ago through a small break in the clouds. Now it's all gone overcast again :-(

- Tony

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It's been raining or generally cloudy here for the last 2 weeks. i had about 2 nights where I could go out very early before the cloud rolled in, but it was basically one hour max (20 minutes last time!). I am desperate to test my new settings on my CCD camera, so it's uber-frustrating!

The forecast up until the new year looks Rubbish too :(

The only night it might be clear for a bit according to some reports is the 27th, when I have a night out planned with people I haven't seen since last christmas! So it's not as if I can cancel that.

I remember being frustrated over the summer months, but that appears to be when I did most my viewing from memory. I've hardly seen anything since October.

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