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IC1848 Soul Nebula (WIP)


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Good Morning!

It cleared around 22:00 last night and I only lost one sub due to thin clouds! This is my first real test with a borrowed reducer for the Tak FSQ106EDX III. Spacing is off by 5mm due to lack of extension rings (will be corrected).

CCD Autopilot got me:

8 x 15m of O3

9 x 15m of S2

11 x 15m of Ha

Dawn flats

Preprocessed in Neb3 (BIAS/Flats), registered, integrated, combined, stretched and gradient removed in PI, selective colours in PS.

Takahashi FSQ106EDX III with 0.73x reducer, SX Wheel with Baader filters, SBIG ST-8300M, 10Micron GM2000HPS. All subs unguided.

I will get some more data when the skies are back on my side...

Full res JPG: http://filer.frejvall.se/Soul_1.jpg

All the best,



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Thanks folks!

The colours... Well, it is a classic Hubble with S2 in R, Ha in G and O3 in B. After that I do some selective colour adjustments in PS to get rid of the dreaded and awful green hue and magenta stars. If you don't over-stretch your data and have proper exposure times the stars won't suffer that much. Also, the image should come out very, very green on first assembly, and you want that green to form the other colours. Hasta La Vista Green (or SCNR in PI) is the last tweak for removal of anything that is still green in colour.


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This is something ive been working on too, but not gotten round to the SII channel yet. Although great, I do think it could have done with a bit more minus magenta by opening the saturation tool in PS and reducing the magenta saturation to zero. Its left one or two blobs of magenta (and a slight magenta halo round the target) but that can be ironed out if you work on the original master a bit more, or re-shoot a few frames so need for gradient processing is reduced. I also found that once the majority of magenta had been zapped, it allowed me to clip the back point a bit more.



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Yeah, it's nowhere near done yet ;) I'll add some more data when it clears up - whenever that is. Thanks for the magenta saturation tip - I got blind on my own stuff, as usual. I don't know about clipping the black-point more, though. Can't let it go too black...


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May not be quite finished but I think that's wonderful :) Lovely detail and colour. :) I know I'm supposed to prefer natural colours but the Hubble pallette really brings out the detail :)

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