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Gina's Observatory Roll-Off-Roof Automation


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I think I may stick with the "belt and braces" approach to my ROR - retain the lock-down latches and window bolts and disengage the clutch when locked down.  That way the motor drive can't try to open the roof when it's locked down.  With the pin and loop system the roof will be safe when closed by the motor but I can still lock down manually (with a vengeance) if storms are forecast.   I may add a toggle switch on the control unit to remind myself on the remote control that the roof is locked down if I can't think of anything automatic.

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yep since I got the SynScan mount the other day and now sorted power for it, has only been cloudy nights here. Always the way. Fingers crossed the rain sensor works, could be it'll need more than one pair in the grid to have a droplet on it to cause it to trigger. I seem to recall a rain sensor circuit in one of the electronics mags many moons ago that used vero and that pretty much needed 2 or 3 tracks bridged by raindrops to cause a trigger event.

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The trouble with Veroboard (other strip boards are available) is that the copper corrodes.  I presume that's why "proper" rain detectors have gold plated strips.

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The limit switches and coloured push buttons have arrived and look fine.  I'm particularly impressed by the limit switches.  They seem ideal.

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I now have plenty I can get on with but will still be taking it slowly.  Some years ago I would probably have got all this going in a few days, now it will take several weeks.  Never mind - sobeit!

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No, I'm not, the rain detector relay will simply connect to an Arduino input with internal 10K pull-up resistor enabled so will only be switching 0.5mA.

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I now have the rain detector on the sun room roof with a long multicore cable attached to bring connections onto living room table where I have a bench PSU and DMM to check the relay contacts.  The roof has an estimated slope of around 20°.  All set up ready for the forecast showers this afternoon (which will probably not materialise!!).

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Any time now according to Clear Outside.  The sky is darkening.

Just checked and the heater only comes on after rain has been detected.  This raises the current drawn from the supply from 8mA to 120mA so that is enough to tell that rain has been detected.  I can see 120mA on my bench PSU.  I could use this to operate the logic and save a wire but the relay contact is probably simpler (and safer).

Edited by Gina
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Fine drizzle - not detected!!

Tried to drill holes in the observatory fixed framework for the coach bolts but came across screws and ended up ruining two drill bits.  I shall just have to attach the loops with the lower two wood screws.  Might drill the holes out in the loops and use 8mm coach screws for more secure fixing.  Not today though - one calamity is enough for one day!!

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Had a thought about the limit switches.  I may be able to use one limit switch for both directions since the actuator arm works both ways.  OTOH that may have other ramifications...

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With the limit switch brackets printed, I've attached the switches to the brackets and taken one out to the observatory to check position etc.  However, they can't go where I originally thought, on the partition wall on the south side, because of the sliding door but they could go on the other (north) side.  Would just mean slightly longer cables to the control unit.  I'll probably leave it until tomorrow now - had enough for today.

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