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Hello to the Forum,

I am yet another new member. Very impressed with the knowledge and help available to people like me.

I have just retired and have gone back to my teenage interest in astronomy. I have blown a wadge of my retirement lump sum on the following;

Orion Optics CT10 Newtonian. Great scope but too bulky to transport easily to the nearest dark sky area, North Wales. I am awaiting an OO ODK10, F6.8 to replace it. Can't wait.

I have a William Optics FLT 110 APO triplet At F7.

Losmandy G11 Gemini which I still can't get the hang of.

Range of starter EPs. A recent purchase of Televue 21mm Ethos and 2inch dielectric, both wonderful.

I have access to occasional visits to Mt Teide on Tenerife, one of the best viewing sites available. The APO is going to stay there with a HEQ5 pro mount.

I have the good fortune to me going to USA next week. I plan on buying the Televue 8 and 13mm Ethos EPs and a 2'' Barlow. Should I stick with Televue or look elsewhere?

I plan on using the APO imaging on Mt Teide. I am interested in the ATIK or SBIG ccd range. Do members have any advice about what I should be considering. Should I be looking at any other kit? Should I go colour or mono, what imaging software is available for a Mac?

Looking forward to many years happy viewing.

Grateful for any advice offered.

Regards Mike

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Hi Mike - welcome to the forum.

Great taste in gear you have :smiley:

Unless you need to save some pennies I'd stick with the Tele Vue Ethos or Delos eyepieces. With the exception of the Pentax XW eyepieces, nothing else I've used is a match for the these superb eyepieces.

There are some like the Explore Scientific that are very nearly as good if you do want to save a few dollars though.

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What you should do is this - get yourself round my place and spend some of that cash on me lol Very nice kit list Mike and welcome to the forum :)

(The only thing I don't see in your list that might be handy is a Powermate (2" 2x) - mine comes in useful very frequently)

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Hmm I think there will be a long line of SGL members at your door in the next few days to ask for a view through some of your very nice gear.

I would echo what's already been said you won't go wrong sticking with TV Ethos / Delos EP's. The only range of EP's that can compare with these EP's are the Pentax XW's. Although as you are already happy with your TV's I can see why you'd want to invest in other brands. Good choice :grin:

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That is a very nice list of kit Mike, I would go along with what Brantuk has said with regard to the Powermate, but as your purse seems to have that little extra lining lol, I would add the 2" 4X as well, then you can stack them if you need that extra focal length. Cameras are outside my league at present, but our imaging section may help in this respect, as there are some very experienced imagers on hand to provide advice. Your Losmandy GM11 mount is a beautiful piece of engineering, I have the GM8. If you are having some difficulty with the mount, joining the Losmandy Users Group could help solve your problems, they were most helpful when I raised the odd inquiry :)


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I have to say I am slightly surprised by the replies here. Whatever happened to the get a pair of binoculars or if you must a 200p dob and a planisphere? :smiley: Welcome to the site I hope you have many years of joy and discovery with your wonderful kit. ( you forgot to buy the cloudbuster attachment though)

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