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QHY5 and Maxim DL


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I'm having problems with my QHY5 guidecam and Maxim DL. In PHD, the camera is recognized by the software and works alright.

When trying to connect the camera to Maxim DL, I'm having a bit of a problem...

I have installed the Maxim DL plug in. I'm choosing the camera as ASCOM. When connecting, the camera seems to connect and the red light on the camera seems alive.

When trying to expose, the camera seems to work properly, but the image captured is completely black. No data what so ever seems to be recorded, no matter what exposure time choosed.

Has anyone got a clue?

Best regards,

Tomas Wikander

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Welcome to SGL Tomas.

Are you exposing the stars or just trying to expose any image?

Check the obvious like lens cap, I've left mine on more than once.

The other thing I can think of is the histogram stretch window - make sure you can view it and I usually set the range to manual so I can move the black & white point myself. If it's set incorrectly you will indeed just get a black screen.

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I use a QHY5 and MaximDL. In the setup menu I don't have the camera as ASCOM. There's a option there for CQLab (Or is it CMOS?) - I can't quite remember and it's on the obs computer, not this one. But scroll down and it will be obvious which one it is from what I've just typed.

Hope that helps.

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Yep, the lens cover was removed. I don't think its a screen stretch issue, when examining the pixels in the captured image the value is 255 for all of the pixels. I'm exposing 1 sec in daylight, so the pixel value should be saturated...


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Hmm, I've tried CMOS, but it's not working. When choosing ASCOM and CMOS QHY5 Camera, the camera connects to Maxim DL and seems to work properly, except for the black images... Maybe this is a good camera for shooting darks... :grin:

In PHD, the camera is working perfectly. I will try to get some answers on Qhyccd.com forums, but the registration process is a little bit strange, still more ideas and advices is appreciated.

/Tomas W

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  • 4 years later...

I use my QHY5L-II with maxim both as a guide cam & as a planetary cam. Download the QHY5 ascom driver and select Ascom for your camera in MaximDL. The "setup Ascom" box will open - select Advanced. The "Ascom camera chooser" box will open, select your camera and you should be good to go.




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I have tried that keeps saying the link has failed, could it be because its plugged into the ASI camera? edit just tried it direct and wont connect yet the asi one does, so I tried PHD2 to see if the qhy connects to it and it does, got to be something small

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