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is celestrons nexstar 8se a good buy?

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Hi all,

I'm looking for any information about Celestron's Nexstar 8SE, as I'm thinking of purchasing one as my second scope. I currently own celestrons 130slt and now I'm looking for a suitable upgrade; I've been told there will be a big difference between the two scopes by the shop but i want to check with you guys first[reliable information].this scope is at the top of my budget so i want to make sure I'm getting value for money, and a decent step up from the 130 slt. Also, are there better scopes out there in this price range.

All advice welcomed.



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8SE sounds like a good :lol: step up to me Alan 8) Gordon has the 6SE and is VERY happy with it. As you have been using the 130SLT you'll be already familiar with the Nexstar control n all. It'll be a much bigger beastie at 15kg total but you'll be able to move it around in two parts.

If money were there and weight wasn't such an issue for me... I'd have one :D


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I've had a go of the 130 SLT and the Nexstar 6SE and nearly purchased the 8" version, but a rush of blood to the head made me go for the more pro CPC version instead. Cant see more, but costs more. :lol: Celestrons Sky-Align system kicks Meades ass and you already know how it works anyway, so no loss there.

I can confirm there's a fair old difference between the SLT and the 8 incher when viewing fainter stuff. With the three set up in a line I looked at the Ring Nebula through each and then the M13 cluster in Hercules. There's some difference between the 8 and 6 inchers, but the difference between a 5 and 8 is quite startling and you'll be impressed. M57 in the SLT was a small, pretty colourless ring shape. In the 6SE it had a little more colour and definition, but in the 8 you could really see the colours and detail coming through. With the globular in the SLT it looked like a grey patch with a few stars round it, in the 8 it looked like a picture and stars resolved almost to the core. Startling stuff.

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I've got the 6SE (working my way up to an 8 probably), but really enjoy using the scope. User friendly and light and the alignment works well, plus clear crisp views.

Would recommend the 8SE on that basis.


Hugh :lol:

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