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M33 - one night's data - WIP (Updated)


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Friday night was clear and Saturday forecast to be so as well but........ As it turned out only Friday was clear so here is the result of 4h 10min of 5min subs on M33 in Triangulum. 30 Darks and 30 Flats. ED120APO, Canon 1000D modded ISO800, HEQ5 qhy5/ST80/PHD guiding. I really would like to get at least another 4 hours on this one!


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Yes, excellent image Roger :) Imaging time is certainly the key to great images. I accidenatlly took two shots at the same object (Witch's Broom) and the benefit of nearly 4 hours of data versus just over 2 hours was very apparent.

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Going well. I too would back off the saturation and measure the background sky with the colour sampler tool. I think it's a bit red and has a slight gradient, perhaps just in the reds?

And yes, progress in imaging is essentially down to learning how much blessed data you need. I used to think ten hours was gargantuan. I know feel guilty if I don't have twenty!

This is a faint object and you are making it shine.


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I've reprocessed this with an additional 1h 25 mins of data from the 6th and 13th October (I'd not used it originally as it had been a bit LP'ed due to very slight haze - anyway, just bunged it all in DSS with flats and darks as before). This time i took quite a bit more care to keep the saturation under control at the expence of background noise. I think this one looks better (slight crop due to alignment over three nights)...... But I await your comments:


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Hi there,

Great job on the 4hrs. It always feel like it takes 10 hours to get 4hrs when it comes to imaging. The first image I thought was a little blue for the galaxy and a little red in the background, but I like it. The second pic has a lot of noise in the brown areas just at the outer edge of the galaxy. Might be better to leave that data out. The colour is better, but its added too much noise, that looks a bit speckled.


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