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M31 - with new scope


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Just getting the astro equipment together for my move to New Zealand.

Wanted a small refractor for imaging and what better than a Skywatcher Pro ED 80 - particularly with the recent price reductions.

The scope arrived last Friday afternoon and what do you know the sky was actually clear the same night !

Didn't mean to image with the new scope as I was up early the following morning, but couldn't resist M31 peeping over the house roof.

12 subs @ 800 ISO total exposure time 14 mins.


(click to enlarge)


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Splendid result MD. You can up sticks to NZ knowing the scope is more than up to the challenge. New skies to explore, different objects to image too.

I am sure we will all await your first posting from down below with anticipation.

Pack those important opticals very carefully. And enjoy you new envirionment. I have a friend who moved to New Zealand with his family, and they absolutely love it.

Best Wishes.

Ron. :lol:

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WOW - That is one superb image MD. Only 14 minutes exposure - must be a good 'scope and good imaging conditions. Lots of detail and .... can I see some clusters or star-rich regions in M31? Or am I hallucinating?


Yes the scope is a good one - lot's of imagers on SGL use it.

Imaging conditions not brilliant - seeing 3/5, and I have LP from a streetlamp to the North East (where M31 was). Yes - you can see some star rich regions in the image.

I took some Darks to go with the Lights but when I stacked them there was too much noise. So I tried without the Darks and the noise vanished. Didn't know why until I read an article that said Darks should be at least as long or longer than the Lights. I normally use ImagesPlus for capture software but as I didn't intend to image I used the DSLR and timed by hand. When I was packing up, I used 30 secs repeat exposures on the Canon (max time) to take the Darks. Bad idea as the Lights were all either 60 or 90 secs !

I won't do that again



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