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Richard's got the bug!


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For the first time since SGL3.5, I spent some time with our nephew Richard (aged 13) yesterday, and I thought those of you who met him in Salisbury might be encouraged by an update.. The scope we gave him that weekend (an ST80) has become his pride and joy! ;) His Mum tells me he's been carrying it around the house and using it from different places. He's even been inviting his older brother's girlfriend (she's 18!) to use his telescope and said she was very impressed when he showed her the moon!! I'm hoping that with earlier darkness there'll be more opportunity to get together and show him how to get the best out of it. Should be fun!!


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Nice to hear of another youngster being encouraged into the hobby, and I'm sure you'll get lot of pleasure from helping him along the way Helen.

Our eldest grandson (13), loved spending time with me in the obsy, but last year he and his family emigrated to Australia. I really do miss our observing time together.


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Thats great Helen,

A story like that just re-affirms my deep down belief that everything is OK. A teenager showing an interest in science is fantastic. The media would have us believe they are all sat outside off licenses drinking Vodka!!!

Good for Richard, especially the bit about making a move on his brother's 18 year old girlfriend using the old "look at the moon" trick.

Well done

JV ;)

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I am afraid your remark about kids hanging about late night booze parlours is all too true Jv. Unfortunately the blame for that, usually resides at their homes, where their parent/s, have neither the time nor the inclination to divert them away from such activity.

A lot of the problems regarding kids today, stems from the fact that they are only allowed to be children for a very short period in their lives.

If a child is not rushed into adulthood, but allowed to arrive there naturally, the chances are very high, that child will make a better adult.

How the hell that could be engineered on a grand scale is another question.

Ron. ;)

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Richard's in love

How come he don't come and drink tea with me

Here in my kitchen no more?

And how come he turn(ed) off the t.v.

And snuck out the back door?

Well we call and we call "How come?" we say

Hey what could make a boy behave this-a way, yeah?

And he learn(ed) all of the stars, now, and every time

He gonna s-stutter when he talks

And it's true! It's true! He sure has acquired this kinda cool and inspired look in his eyes when he talks

Where's his jacket and his old blue jeans,

If this ain't healthy it is some kinda clean

That means Richard's in love

I don't believe what you're saying to me

This is something I got to see. Is he here?

I look in the study hall. Is he here?

I look in the arcade. Is he here?

No, he don't come here no more

Well I'll tell you what, I saw him

He was sittin' beside his scope in the back garden

And whatever is that he's got up his sleeve

I hope it isn't contagious

What's her name? Is that her there?

Oh Gee, I think he's even combed his hair!

And is that her? Well then what's her name?

Oh, it's never gonna be same.

That's not her

I know what's wrong

'Cause Richard's in love with that scope he been carryin' around

Don't you know

Richard's in love, Richard's in love

Richard's in love, Richard's in lo-o-ove...

With sincere apolologies to Ricky Lee Jones...

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