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M31 meets Noel's Actions


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Not being able to afford full blown Photoshop CS6 I got a copy of Photoshop Elements 10 (having been told it was more or less the same but with the functionality hidden?). I was then pleased to discover I can now open my RAW images without going through the clunky Fuji Hyper Utilty software. I was even more pleased to discover that much of the 'hidden' functionallity of Photoshop Elements (eg histogram, curves etc.) can be brought back with free pluggins and also Noel Carboni's 'Actions' pluggins also work in the budget Elements.

So - my first go using a RAW image and processing with Elements 10 & Noel's Actions pluggins. M31 Andromeda pictured with an Altair Astro Starwave ED80 telescope + 0.8x focal reducer/flattener. Camera Fuji S5 Pro DSLR ISO3200 single 600s exposure, no darks or flats.


Appologies in advance for the off centre image (think I was guiding off M32!), the star trailing & burned out core.

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Well it's pretty good! I think I can spot the tell-tale signs for most of those "actions" since I've used them so many times myself as well :)

Yes - I think the 'local contrast enhancement' is the most obvious. Still, a new set of 'toys' for me to play with!

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Very nice though :)

I tend to use local contrast enhancement, run as new layer on top, hide it with a layer mask and then paint through just the bits I want to enhance with a soft brush at 20% opacity.

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Perhaps one of the best single sub shots ever?? Take some more!

I like Noel's Local Contrast Enhance and use it on most images, though only as a layer partially blended. I do my own local contrast tweaks as well. It's a good routine. Like all his actions you need to use it as a layer and be very selective, keeping what you want.

When using Local Contrast Enhance make sure you have a lot of room left of the peak in the histogram or it will black clip the image.


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The most used command for me in noels actions now is "select brighter stars", its bloomin brilliant for processing images without messing up your stars.

Nice image, but it looks a little "crunchy" from here. Maybe you should decrease the compression factor of your jpg?

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