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The Sun 3 October 2012 white light


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Here's where I mean:


There's a sort of twisted smudge that's very similar in shape in both circles and really doesn't look like it belongs. I don't think you use AS!2, but I've seen it do that sort of thing a fair bit with my images :(


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Nice captures again. I am not sure I understand what differences James is talking about.

It's very odd, certainly. They leapt out of the second image at me, but I can't for the life of me see them in the first.


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The Sun was so low and about to drop below the neighbours fence (I was already imaging through the Buddliea!!!) that I didn't bother taking flats - hence the dust bunnies. I zapped them with the spot healing brush on the plain image!

Actually I goofed on the processing - I put all the text etc and saved the annotated image - Then realised that I'd not saved the "plain one" so I went back through the History on PS and got back to the unadorned image I needed. Then zapped the dust bunnies!. What is amazing is that I got found out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

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He's certainly getting trickier to capture , I've never paid that much attention to his path across the sky before this year , amazing how quick he drops lower day by day.

And it's only October !

Just started to sort an elevated (12') pier to give myself a fighting chance through the winter campaign.


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Just a 4"x4" post anchored to the patio at the base and positioned just far enough off the wall to allow the scope to swing ,

Braced at high level to the wall and situated so that I can pop the scope onto the mount out of the bedroom window , should give me a shot right through the cold dark times.

Will sort some pics when it's done , just making the part to take the mount head.


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