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The cost of astronomy


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The hobby to me is in part my 'beer and fags' money - I dont drink (much) or smoke.

The other element is to take your time and research + get out and see the stuff in the flesh at star parties etc, to the point that you can write a dissertation, 'factor in' the cost allowing your kit to either expand and evolve, perhaps patiently over a long term period, then when the time feels right (i.e account for guilt feelings, family financial commitments, house hold bills, job security etc - OK never then!) commit and click and make the purchase.

Then hopefully you will get, once in a while opportunities, to use the products that may span many years creating great experiences and memories.

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I have always kept an account of what my hobby costs me, and at the moment I own three very good scopes,.loads of eps of varying quality and value, and all the rest of the usual stuff that we astonomers collect in search of the ultimate kit. I tend to try to improve my gear as I go along and so I do tend to sell stuff . The bottom line is, Second hand equipment...If you buy right in the first place you can often make a little bit of a profit, if you sell, to help buy your next must have. I have worked it out that if I sold all my bits and bobs I would have actually made a profit. So I`m a happy bunny.

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Cheers. I so want the 6.5 - 19.5 mm zoom. I think it would fit my requirements perfectly, however, a failed deal meant I couldn't purchase one. Interested in the Pentax's though, even though they are going to be harder to come by!

I might be selling my Pentax 6.5-19 zoom shortly to help fund my next must have. Buying and selling helps keep the cost of my astronomy down to affordable.


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Spend wisely Grasshopper... new is not always better, in fact, I like the idea of not spending a lot on someting new until I've tried an older version of it. Some times the old scopes work better... depends on how You like it, right?

Although, the wife does play a big part of it here so braging about getting the good deal on craigslist instead of, " You spent what on what?", works a lot better for me. I'm happy with used.... works for me. :grin:

...oh, and NICE SITE!

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